S Georgina

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2024

9 Stories

14 karma pts


Author bio

I am just like Theodore Finch in All The Bright Places. But he is the water. I am the sky. Sometimes I get this feeling. I don't know how to explain it, but I call it the "I Want My Heart" emotion. It's like I want to rip my heart out of me and feel the pain because that is all I deserve. Like there is a knife in my chest and it's going deeper and deeper, twisted hate and lies. I belong at the beach. I belong it the waves with the sand, but I can't be. And if I ever run away, that is where I will be. My favourite place in the whole wide world, Chinamans Beach, Evans Head. When I was young, I wanted to be an astronaut. To know what it feels like to be weightless in the sky, far away from humans and their hatred. I still do, but I will never be. I don't even know if I will make it to highschool. Who knows. I might be dead. But who said I was living anyway? You hate me? That's nice. But guess what? I hate myself too. More than you could ever imagine.