Ryan Carrion

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2024

Author bio

Copyright © 2024 Ryan Carrion - All Rights Reserved. Using content without written permission is prohibited. I am Ryan Carrion, a horror/sci-fi writer and poet. I have been a lot of things in this world and amongst those are traveler, mixologist and adventure seeker. I have such a fascination with works that show horror commingling with sci-fi and history with a hint of myth hidden in the truths, or lies we tell ourselves. This especially is the catalyst of my inspiration behind my newest novel, "Sorrow in the Shadows: Writers Tears." Drop me an email for any purpose or inquires: carrioryan@yahoo.com I also provide poetry or short story commissions for any genre and occasion. No limits on story content whatsoever. Always down to chat and discuss anything writing related: Questions about my stories or yours, any critiques, advice (to or from me), guidance, or to talk about anything really; I am reachable at my instagram: ryancarrion01 Any story or poetry ideas you would like to see on here, let me know. Enjoy what I have here in the meantime!!!