Roy Hayward

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2020

6 Stories

74 karma pts


Author bio

Roy Hayward loves to read. He spent much of his years growing up holed up in well-lit corners of libraries reading all of the fiction that he could find. There were many times that one librarian or another would recommend a book, and Roy would have already read it. As a result, he decided that he would be a writer at a young age. Roy graduated from high school in Fairfield, Iowa. He served two years as a missionary in Seoul Korea. He attended college at Rick College in Rexburg, Idaho, and then the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. Started out studying Chemistry, but switched majors to Political Science. After college, he got a job and discovered that he was more interested in the computers he used than the job he used them to do. A year after college he was working doing tech support for a printer company. He bounced from job to job working his way up in skills and position. He is now a programmer managing a team of Web Developers. In Rexburg, he met his wife Beth. After stealing her away from his roommate, they were married in the Idaho Falls Temple and began their life long adventure. They had seven children of their own and then became foster parents. As of this writing, they have adopted nine children from foster care and are still fostering children. Through all of these adventures, Roy has continued to read, and to write. And to share his love of good books with others; his friends, his family, and random people on the internet.