Roth Sassin (inactive)
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2020
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2020
Submitted to Contest #74
Submitted to Contest #74
Submitted to Contest #73
Submitted to Contest #73
Submitted to Contest #72
Submitted to Contest #71
Submitted to Contest #70
Submitted to Contest #68
Submitted to Contest #68
Submitted to Contest #68
Submitted to Contest #67
Submitted to Contest #63
Submitted to Contest #62
Hi, Roth Sassin is my pen name, and I like to read and write. Please like or comment on my stories. Thanks. I recently noticed (Ok, maybe a while ago noticed) that everyone else has a long bio. So I have finally decided to make a longer bio. Here I go. . . I live in the US. Chicago, Illinois to be precise. I love to read. I am bad at picking favorites, but my favorite author is Sarah J Maas. I have a twelve-year-old dog and an annoying younger sister and a cute younger brother. Basically, I'm the oldest. At the moment, my story Mega Cookie Contest is the most popular, with nineteen likes and six comments. My runner-up stories are I Challenge You with 18 likes and 4 comments, and Mama Tsia with 18 likes and 3 comments. Go check them out. And even though most people stay at page one of your stories list (me), feel free to browse through my stories, even the ones on page two. I have not yet won a contest, but hoping it will happen. I noticed some people have Reedsy quizzes and whatnot, so here you go, my own personal Reedsy quiz. Link below. https://forms.gle/EJTUCpEqnGLUzMZj9 That's pretty much it. Bye! So Reedsy just said that you have to pay 5$ to enter a story and I can't do that, so I'm not going to post that often anymore, and if I do post, I don't think it will show up here. So sorry if you hoped I would post through the five-dollar entrance fee. Also, I was gone for a while because I just didn't have the time, patience, and inspiration. I will still post sometimes though.