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A weekly short story contest
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2021
Submitted to Contest #104
' BONJOUR MONSIEUR' At the distant coast, I destined with wonders in my palm. For the very first moment in my being, seduction of heart overwhelmed me. My eyes stuck in merriment. Then I pressed close just to wonder about the beauty, but long before my eyes had fallen into her heart. With a faint smile in my faulty eyes, 'good morning' I pondered. To keep me at a content, her throat uttered fresh like banana juice, bonjour monsieur, she replied which amazed me more than amused me. I was stuck in the middle of truth and trying to get som...
THE TWIST OF AKIDI "I'm tired of this excesses called life, I have given up. Never to try again." Could be heard from the back yard. The appearance of AKIDI could be imagined as if eyes going fault again. Akidi, the bastard, believed to have gone a decade ago, today, comes in agony of trial temptation. The bastard, who have been seen messing and kicking his own life treasures. Learned and touring the world moreover in clear despair was even never his own making. He never for a moment wished to be a bastard, the leading mechanism of hi...
A PASSOVER TO REMEMBER She lit the fire with a whisper in her mind. She did not know why she had parked at the opposite side of her intention from her mind. She wished she could get out of the manger. She shifted the stove box she held in her arms to a more comfortable position, almost tripping on the curb while she did so. She reached into the house, searching for the purse, only to whip it again to save the crowd. Why was she so irritatingly large? She reached into the house again. She wondered why everything was getting so pale....
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