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A weekly short story contest
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2024
Submitted to Contest #280
Trigger Warnings: This story contains references to but not depictions of underage drug/alcohol abuse, inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature towards a minor, and suicide. “There’s supposed to be a sword down there.” “A sword? In the well?” “Yeah. Way at the bottom.” “Like, a choppy, stabby – ” “Yeah. One of those.” “ – King Arthur dealies?” “Yeah. Like Excalibur.” “Or Ice.” “The Sword of Omens.” “Oath Keeper.” “Uh, Master Sword.” “Needle.” “Is that the only show with swords you’ve watched this century?” “I’m reading the books, give me a ...
Submitted to Contest #248
“Here?”“Not quite. That side’s a bit wonky now.”“Do I go up? Down?” The art teacher squeezed the question around the roll of tape between her lips.“Like, a little bit of both ’til you get to the middle.” Her back was facing me, but I still thought wagging my finger would help. I was purposely being vague, but not to give her a hard time. I was just enjoying this frolic around the limitations of verbal communication. “What?” Ms. Falls’ voice and arms were noticeably shaking. She was losing patience and strength, and she was standing...
I am from the US, currently living in Tokyo, working as an educator and translator in Tokyo.
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