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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2020
There is a saying here that: you are not supposed to be wealthy, you are supposed to act it out. If you are wealthy and acting it out too, far much better. the 80s was the era that philosophy was at its apex in the life of people. Living it up not being it. And they were it at through the array of colors on show each day in the name of fashion. I was in secondary school at that period and being from a relatively wealthy family, I was one of those with little change to spare but I know-no-fashion or rather wasn't all that carried with the ha...
They gathered around the 14 inches TV that was the talk of the town in that middle '70s in that Umuku village of Agboko autonomous community. That is a privilege they tend to enjoy every twice in a month when their father returns from the city. Only when it's enjoyment time, almost all the kindred of theirs' circle like a vulture for the news. Chidi don't like the news or cares about what is dropping from the newscasters but images on the screen. His father and his friends will gather there following the happening over a cheap whisky his fat...
She was at it like mad in front of the mighty mirror in her room kissing herself. She had been at it that way for two years now since she turned 16 and now at 18 the age of consent, the culture is her other enemy. "Why can't these people ever evolve like the westerners?" That line had been her annoyance expression line for the past two years now the knowledge of the other sex has occupied her thought as its number one sole occupayer. Funny enough, when she is among the humans of the opposite sex, she went into a kind of expression hibernati...
"The room is unfamiliar, i don't know how i got here" i have been hearing voices outside, some of them sounding like voices i have heard somewhere before but can't just them. I pushed myself into a sitting position from the sofa I have been lying on and took a closer look around me and still felt totally lost. I don't recall in any distance or near past ever being in any house with this kind of furnishing. It looked like the kind of furnishing you will see in the 1950s Italian movies if you are into movie things The voices of people...
It's still mid January and the turn the weather is taking this tuesday morning isn't all that normal and that worries Mr. Martins as he hurries to his mason work as breeze brushes against his skin kind of causing the hairs on his arm to stand alert like new recruits on their first training session. Nothing in perfect order, a kind of huddling together and odd to look at. He eyed upwards wondering whether the rain is serious with the sign it's spewing, everyone is expecting rain from second or third week of February, never mid Ja...
She was sitting alone in the front seat of the bus meant for two at the bus station. "Are you with someone there?" I gently inquired, eyeing a lady that will pass as a modern bimbo that has increased in their numbers these days over here. "I won't go inside" she blurted out looking at me, aspecting a kind of challenge or something. "i never asked if you are sitting inside or near the window. The question is: "are you alone there?" She answered by opening the door without opening her mouth, an indication that put the message across well...
She was aware of the stare directed at her from the four customers that sat about three seats away from the counter. Her third years now since returning from Guangzhou and two since starting this small eatery and maybe one or two millionth times she has felt a surprised gaze fixed on her while she prepares for her customers chinese tea many regulars have failed to acknowledge as tea but herbal medicine. She could not stop herself from chuckling each time she received this kind of surprised eyes fixed on her while getting their teas ready. ...
" It's not your fault, society is to be blame for this stress you are putting us in. If the society is organized, I won't be shouting like you do for talking to you as my younger brother" Ngozi, Edwin elder sister thundered out of the compound gate and stormed away heading towards nowhere in particular. Edwin had called them, all his siblings telling them that his wife he sent back to her father's house three weeks earlier, they needed to accompany him to her Father's house to see her people and tell them that he is no longer interested.&nb...
The weather was rainy that Tuesday morning. I am just finishing tolling that mighty bell summoning the faithful for morning mass when it started. The early morning rain is the kind we the priest boys see as a cursed blessing. Rushing from our boy's quarter base to the church to prepare for the morning mass and tolling the bell that is under the melia tree that is about three minutes walk away from our quarters without an umbrella is the cursed part. The blessing part is that the massive compound with flowers of every specie adorning s...
I was wondering who they were. The cheap okpoko packet shirt the one backing me wears from the little i can see from our first floor due to the tall fence and overgrown trees doesn't reveal his identity to me. He was talking and gesticulating indicating there is someone else out of my view with him in there. I strained to see better but without my long distance glasses, seeing that far is a battle to me. Then the second person came into view and I noticed he is one of those lost souls in the village parading around as a seer or more b...
I was expecting something like that. They always plan something during christmas and how am i to expect that this year will be different? My countryside family home seems to have been for three years now in the habit of dodging spiritual bullets from forces that dig holes and fall inside them. So they had for three christmas now been trying to climb out of it and considered my family the only viable route out of it. I was still in the hired bus that brought me and my family from the city back to the village when the driver started th...
"Sorry,I think it's a network problem" she began and i am doubting that assertion judging from the manner the cuts were happening. The Phone had rang and I was busy editing my work on the PC. I am not always particularly happy when interrupted from work. I picked the phone and connected, it cut. It followed that format three more times and I was wondering if something was wrong with my phone when It connected on the fourth attempt. It's my godfather's wife, her son was staying with us as usual trying to get to the son. She...
The bus staggered forward from bad maintenance and bad roads. The capacity was built to be eight seaters but the greedy transporters always shift the seats around and fix their own extra seats and their common sense isn't even telling them that extra four buttocks are what they call overload. The bus makers knew the capacity they built the bus to handle. Two young girls that sat by my right on that seat were chattering away like parrots. They seem to forget that they are in public. Some of them don't even view public buses as public anymore....
"You want to come down too?" I asked the lady I was with in the front seat of the bus heading to my destination in the bus station. She had been stretching her neck like an ostrich peeping here and there, probably quarreling with her mind whether to join the dismounted ladies without patience to see the 14 seater bus full. That type that suffers from Patient FOMO. They believe they are wasting their time waiting for passengers to come when they can trek a little and probably see almost a full bus that did not start its journey from the bus s...
It must have been around 12:17 am that I came to and the hammering was still intense. I found it difficult to discern the direction the noise was coming from. I was hearing woman noise raving as she hammer on the iron gate. I had thought it was the same drunkard living on the first floor Mrs Steller or some name like that her husband never allowed inside once it's 5 to 11 pm. But it's their opposite neighbor that behaves like her but not from alcoholic induced reactions but evil spirit attack according to the story going round. The lady is b...
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