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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2020
Earlier. “She’ll never know.” Mukisa asserted. To respect the late hours of the night and the nature of their conversation, they spoke in whispers. Mukisa couldn’t trust that Suubi didn’t have ears in the wall. Or everywhere else, really. And he had been unable to get rid of her when he wanted to, working as close as they did. “Are you sure? Because we won’t be happy if something goes wrong. I believe you catch my meaning.” His ally from the other side said. It was starting to tick him off that they liked to second guess him. “I’m sur...
“Are you hungry?” The urgency in that statement oozes out of Fasi’s serene alto and bursts into my happy dreams. It’s a slow wake and my eyes are barely open as I do my best to judge whether the question is for me. My stomach rumbles a bit. It’s for me. And the answer is yes but the bed feels unfamiliar and I fear the food would be too. I finally open my eyes and take in my surroundings with some panic, Fasi squatting in the corner looking like a nightmare, some strange bamboo bars for windows, a mess near all our bags and a guard by the do...
Banura looks up as his new apprentice approaches and stifles a groan. He had hoped to be deep within the forest before he approached. Shabby, plump, young, overpacked and overly eager, the creature runs to him drenched in sweat. “May I say, sir, I am pleased to be under your tutelage.” They had sent him another even when he had begged not to. He was tired of these cowards they threw his way, who claimed they wanted to learn but always did their best to ignore what he taught. Who marched straight into danger and suffered for it. H...
The pace was starting to slow down and Kasana always looked forward to this, when she could get off her feet for at least fifteen minutes without the press of the machine, the whirring of the drink, the incessant calling of name after name for drink after drink. The atmosphere was doused in the strong stimulant, you could probably smell it from two blocks away. Something fresh, strong and black - what her father had always smelt like when he came home. Somehow, that made the place more inviting, gave it more purpose and seriousness beyond th...
‘This is the last time you will treat me like this,’ He sobbed as the bullies ran away. And he meant it too. He was done handling the situation like she had suggested. ‘Ignore them,’ she said. ‘They will soon tire and go do something else’ she said. ‘Be the bigger man,’ she said. Well, it was about time he fought fire with fire. He matched on home with a mission. He could barely feel the pain from his bleeding arm or notice the angry stares from the neighbourhood over his dishevelled look, shirt sticking out and torn, blue pants ...
I always imagined I would be playing late into my seventies. Or eighties, if long life is genetic. Not being a washed-up artist at 38. The doors open and I walk in. I can read all the expectations in their eyes. Kazi Imelda. Some in the back sneak in a few photos even though I was particular about that when I agreed to come play for the class. No pics. No videos. No social media. No publicity of any kind. In fact, the children were not supposed to tell their parents either, but I guess some things can’t be helped. They lined up their pia...
Hello Sam Lee.I am Letti Favour. I am 9 years old. I go to school in city. My parent are back in villages. I stay at school all day. I am happpy to be your Penny pul. Please writ back soon.Hello Letti,I’m not sure if Favour is your name as well. Isn’t it a bit weird for a name? How is school? I like mine. They put me in the Advanced class because I spell really good. All the teachers say so. For example. It’s ‘Pen pal’ not ‘penny pul’.Also, why do you stay at school all day? Do you not have a home? I have a big one, with a pool in the yard a...
TW - Sickness of a loved one. I remember when she used to do this for me. This mundane everyday task of making tea. And now I have come to associate the motions of stirring and sipping with a love so deep and rich. I look over and see her gripping her blanket hard, the first sign that she’s having a bad day. She is so small now, almost disappearing into the plush seat. My gaze lingers a little longer to make sure she is breathing. There’s a rise and fall and then a beat longer before there is another rise. I let out a grateful sigh. For...
Submitted to Contest #81
Do you want to go to the dance with me?Tick either Yes --- or No ---Dear Diary,J and I are spending a lot of time together. It’s insane! How we can sit together for hours and it feels like no time has passed or most insane of it all, how I keep wanting more. We sit in the library or go to the park and talk about everything and nothing. I think he is the coolest, smartest and most beautiful boy in our class.I like that he is very serious about his studies and Mummy is always saying that’s a mark of a good man. I like that I’m the person ...
“Fork on the left, knife on the right, spoon at the top,” Nel mumbles. “Fold the napkin three times. Smooth out the folds to make it stick. Place in wine glass. Put handmade menu on the plate.” He provides the commentary for every move he makes. The table is not impressive in the least but he works with what he has. He places the table for two right in the entrance hallway. No way for them to miss it. It is the place with the best lighting and within easy reach of the kitchen and without any windows – just the full length mirrors on both s...
Submitted to Contest #80
They look like us.If you can ignore that their skin appears in the ‘wrong’ colour. So I heard Mama whisper at night. I don’t mind it. Their colour looks a lot like milk. Their skin looks it too, fragile. Like when it turns a furious red where it remains exposed to the sun. But they have eyes like we do even though the colour of their eyes is different, a nose like we do…even teeth like ours and it seems they use all of those parts the same we do. Mama will not listen to this logic. She calls them all sort of unseemly names but no one will li...
Submitted to Contest #75
You wouldn’t know just by staring at them that Tomi and Bataa suffer from a similar fate. Tomi with her big brown eyes and her bright green braids against her ebony skin, easy laugh and perky voice and outrageous fashion choices. Or Bataa with her quiet studious look, enforced by her owlish glasses, husky voice, and short hair perfectly framed together in her chocolate complexion. But which fate you may ask; that of the friendless of course. Where they must spend weekends in and there are no invites to parties, where all games are played a...
Submitted to Contest #56
Boy.I don’t know why I let them talk me into this.I actually do but lets go with the first assertion. I don’t know why I let them talk me into this. I don’t even know how to navigate a first date anymore. The only person I have dated, till she ruthlessly broke me heart a week ago, was Jen. We were six years going on forever and then she claims that she didn’t see a future for us. Six years! A week is too early to be moving on, isn’t it?I tried to make all those guys see reason but Apo said that a blind date would be fun. Just fun. To get me ...
I don’t know what I’m doing! Not a single clue. Not a single clue! Kids should come with manuals. And buttons. Especially for the crying. I think that would be a better way to turn it off. I’m so young to be doing this. So young to be responsible for another human being for the rest of its life. Or my life. Whichever. I shouldn’t be complaining though. I have only been round the kid for 20 hours. Majo doesn’t like it that I call it ‘the kid’, and by this point I have a few other less colourful names running around, but I find it...
I watch them come in for breakfast like they do every Thursday morning. Just the two of them. They are always interesting to watch, polar opposites that get along so well. Theirs is the sort of friendship people write about, the kind everyone wants to be a part of. I don’t know much about them but I like their commitment to this weekly meeting. Some people may think that this kind of monotony is boring but I find that consistency endearing. Especially since I can’t seem to keep up interest among my own circle of friends. Who am I kidding?...
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