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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2024
It was the only way to find a way to exit out, yet this was not one of those open options, not in the slightest bit. It begins to become unbearably hot and there is no relief in sight. You run under and over things, looking for anything moving suspiciously. You sense danger when there is none. You breathe heavily and it keeps your adrenaline pumping. You rush towards openings in walls, racing towards doors that slam shut or windows that are barred from you exiting them. You are paranoid and looking around, you are not sure whether you will r...
"How do you figure out the truth, without the truth being revealed to you?" "How do you know what will become real, before it is even spoken about?" "How does one know who will be the one to arrested for committing a crime, when there is no evidence that they actually did it?" When asking who, what, where, when, why and how, it is better to know what the facts are, what the proof is to show to all that it is an open and shut case. Without proof, nothing has happened, and no one will ever believe word of mouth only. When the door is opened wi...
It started out to be one decent day, or a decent moment or even decent whatever. I was wanting this to be a simple basic day, and it was beginning to be just that. "What could go wrong?" "What could happen to change this from a simply awesome day, into a day filled with more questions than answers?" "What could cause this day to become more of one filled with regret and being sad, instead of happiness and joy?" Your guess is as good as mine would be or could be, yet I was not sure how to or where to begin. I was surely wanting this good s...
The time was upon us. We were never sure when and where it had started and surely had no idea when and where it would end. We were lost. We felt we had outlived our usefulness, then the reality set in, and it became more apparent, we would never be allowed to speak of or know of it ever again. We arrived in a transporter, along with others, who were sentenced to the same painful existence, yet this was not the end, which would happen later. It was a moment in which we were looking at and like a mirrored reflection, we were only seeing the tr...
So here I am walking down the street, passing by the same way, seeing the same things I do all the time, when I noticed a shadow hunched over and trying to remain hidden from sight. I headed in the direction of what I saw, not sure of what I saw, then was confronted by this stray, who appeared timid and frightened by seeing me. At first, I was not sure how to respond to this surprise meeting of a stray, which had been near where I was walking all the time, yet I was feeling saddened by the idea that anyone was having to be out in the cold, e...
So the one word that is spoken can no longer be spoken. "Geez, what next, no one can say they are A (angry), F (frustrated, S (sad) or worse, cannot say how they feel without fear of being placed in jail?" Seems that the one word that remains nameless, is one that is part of affection, is associated with a passion and desire, along with all that makes you feel like you are eternally high.... on the word that never be mentioned, never ever again. It is a word that has been uttered and mentioned, yet one person, only one person, in say a milli...
To have loved and lost, is better than to never have loved at all. There is some truth to that saying, of course it can be understood in many ways. The kiss that is given will be the same exciting, dynamic, and wonderful moment, whether it is the very first kiss, at the beginning, or the last kiss, like at the end of a date or something closely related to the kiss itself. The sweetest kiss is the one that is given as a surprise, which happens when you least expect it to happen. It leads to the kiss that will either curl one's toes or send sp...
It was the first time we met; it was a moment that I will never forget. It was love at first sight, it was happiness in the morning and the perfect ending to the day, now, day turned to night. It was where I was, sitting there in my corner booth, drinking my mixed drink, reading my long-awaited book, and not noticing anything else, or so I thought. I looked up from my book, was caught by a glance or a stare, and this other person was looking in my direction. They stopped when they noticed me looking at them, as they were looking at me, and ...
The day was not too bad when I first got up to go out. I was looking forward to meeting with my mom, with whom I chose to meet for coffee, around this time each Thursday. I was getting dressed and making sure I had my usual two cups of coffee, before I headed out, so that I would be mentally and emotionally prepared to meet with her. The facts were this, she was in her early eighties, was starting to show signs of dementia, and sometimes came to the coffee shop, missing certain items, that we would use to have our Thursday chats, while we sh...
To go into a local restaurant's bathroom. To find a stall that is empty, to then open your gym bag, rustling through your gym bag, to find the costume you will be wearing. You reach over and open the garment bag that has your new, pressed costume, the one you will wear to do your "gig" for entertainment, and you giggle. It's your first time getting into your costume, feeling silly and slightly embarrassed, you dress in your getup and are walking to the bathroom sink to apply your make up. You place your nose and your wig on, making sure they...
"The room is unfamiliar. I don't know how I got here." I woke up and looked around. I was upset at the idea, all these thoughts going through my head and then my head started screaming at me. I felt my head and touching my head, felt two large bumps. I was dizzy and nauseous, I was so disoriented, I tried to stand up and fell backwards several times before I finally was able to stay standing. I knew one thing, this was beginning to feel like one of those video games, like "Exit Here", or "Escape if You Can". I also had seen "Saw" and d...
Sometimes words are too much to say, this could be case in this scenario, with two people have a basic conversation, which becomes more like an explosive argument about who knows what, unless you follow it from the beginning. Let's listen in on their chatting between each other...... "Hey, Bert, what are you doing?""What do you mean, what am I doing?""You spying on me or something?""Hey Bert, are being paranoid or something?""I might be just wondering what you want by contacting me on my private line, that I did not want you to contact me on...
I woke, from a dream, where I was not certain, where I was actually at and where I was suppose to be at. I felt my way across the covers on the bed, eventually pulling them off of me, exposing my pajamas and as I sat up, turning in the direction of my bedroom door, I saw a light under the door. Yes, my simple curiosity was getting the best of me, and I being the nosy person, alone in the room, I heading towards the door, and was not sure what to expect. I crept slowly towards the door, partly filled with fear, partly filled with other emotio...
I was standing there, not sure how I would go about my day. I was not sure how I was able to even start, but I was certain I would go on and do what I had to do. I was heading out the door, when I was confronted by a huge gust of wind, that was kind of chilly, yet very welcoming, and this was followed by some rain drops, which meant it would not be sunny, or as warm as I had hoped it would. I returned inside to add a light jacket, that would keep me dry and warm, if need be. I then was heading out the door again, when the rain drops starte...
Boy was I ever in a mood. "Why, you may ask?" Because it was a Monday morning, and I am not a huge fan of either Mondays, or mornings, to say the least. Yes, I can get really riled up and down right annoyed at the thought of the previous weekend, ending abruptly. I was looking out as the Monday morning sun, rose up in the day light sky, which made me happy and smiling. Then I saw clouds, that were hiding rain or something close to that, which turned my happy into a sad and crappy. I was then working my way into the kitchen to fix my morn...
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