Para. Earthwarrior

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2020

Author bio

i just started writting poem and stories at 8. it was tough for me to find a platforjm where i can show my creativity. i noted my words in my diary and then now i came to know about this....and i m trying my best to write. i have few poems in my diary and i will present it in contests. if you like follow me and give me likes. the same i will do with yours. t’s really exciting when you watch adverts of global brands and you enjoy almost every bit of it. I recall seeing the coca-cola hey brother ad, it was an awesome 6o seconds of making me love the coca-cola brand some more. Global brands like coca-cola understand the importance of storytelling and how it affects their audience action to either love or consider their brand as part of the rest. In fact, I consider storytelling to be a powerful form of human communication. We have used storytelling in sharing our history, express our feeling, and tell people our purpose. If you wanna make a point, tell a story. I consider it the basis of almost everything around us, hence its importance. Storytelling is a skill that cannot just be learnt reading one medium post by a small boy that loves branding. It is a skill that you should spend more time — and more resources — on learning and telling better stories, especially as it relates to building and developing compelling adverts for brands. Like you must have heard, every brand has it’s unique story. How you tell yours, will affect your audience’s response and in turn affect your market share. It is therefore very important to craft an interesting and appealing story around the brand you want to advertise. I have always thought that awesome stories don’t just get awesome by magic — something makes them really awesome.