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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2020
Submitted to Contest #75
I did it. I finally resolved my new years resolution from last year. I didn’t think it was at all possible, but when I put my mind to something, I usually succeed. I remember making my resolution at midnight. My husband John and I had just opened up a bottle of chilled champagne. “So have you decided what your new year's resolution is going to be, asked John?” “Oh please, I never make new year's resolutions. It’s a waste of time. They last for a week and then they are quickly forgotten. Besides which...
Submitted to Contest #72
It is Earth year 6000 and I have two names. My earth name is Sammi and my planetary name is Xena. I was born on the planet Cyber. I was told that a minute after my birth, I was taken away from my mother and placed in a sterile room. The doctors made a small slit in my hand and inserted a tiny chip in my wrist. That chip would be my destiny. On the planet Cyber we have our life planned by computer programs designed by high level programmers called “Olofs”. The chips are created to prevent crim...
Submitted to Contest #71
My name is Eileen. When I was young, (about 13 years of age) I asked my mother how would I know when I was truly in love? "You will know when your heart starts racing, when you want to spend every waking moment and when all you see is stars. It turns out she was right. I fell in love when I wasn't even looking for it. I want to share my love story with you. ☆☆☆☆☆ t's not unusual to be competitive in small towns such as Basin, Arkansas, especially at Christmas time. Every year our town had store competitions.&nbs...
Submitted to Contest #70
There was a loud knock at my door. I looked at the clock on my bedside table. The clock displayed 3:09 a.m. I had no intention of leaving my bed at such an ungodly hour of the night and rolled back under the covers. It was a saturday night and no shortage of drunks roaming the streets. "Go away, whoever you are." "There's no money or jewels in this rat hole. You're wasting your time." The knocking got louder, and it was followed by a deep Irish voice. "Open up, this is the San Francisco Pol...
Submitted to Contest #69
LoHave you ever had a dream? I did. My dream was to become a best selling author. I pictured huge crowds lining up the streets, just waiting hours to finally get my autograph and a short "good luck on the first page of my book. I wrote my first story at the age of six. It was a ghost story and was so scary that my teacher read it to the class on Halloween. Why am I telling you this? I am about to walk into my parents house and crush their dreams. I have to tell them that now that I have graduated from college, with ...
"Are you almost ready", shouted my husband from the bedroom. I"t seems like you've been in there for hours and we've got to get on th road early to avoid all the holiday traffic." 'Just give me a few more minutes." I stood looking in the mirror, trying to put on just the right amount of makeup to cover up the frown lines on my face to hide how nervous I was feeling at meeting my mother's new husband. My parents had been divorced for over fifteen years. I was only 10 when they broke the news to my sister Jo...
Submitted to Contest #68
Mi nI remember the day Barry and I watched the sunset on Broad Beach in Coa-coa-cay in the Virgin Islands. The sky was filled with white fluffy cumulus clouds in the east and the combined colors of orange, purple and red to the west. The warm air that comin off the water was circling around our cool bodies. "It is so beautiful here", I said. "I wish we could stay here forever." "No you don't. You would grow weary of it soon or later." "Besides, I thought you wanted to write about the world. "I do". "And I want to explore it with you." ...
Submitted to Contest #67
The voice on the loudspeaker said "attention all passengers leaving for Planet Aries, please report to shuttle dock 10. "Flight number 3933 is now loading passengers." "Please have your boarding pass ready and only one space suit per person is permitted." I immediately joined the line, verified that my boarding pass had been stamped in the proper places and tightened my gravity boots that I had loosened while waiting to board my flight. The trip to Planet Aries was be the first of many assignments to the planet. I was hired as mana...
I love to look in people's windows. It was just plain curiosity that made me do it. How did people decorate their homes? What colors did they paint their know, innocent little facts that are petty and meaningless to anyone else but me. I wasn't a peeping Tom if that is what you are thinking. It all changed for me (looking in windows) two weeks ago. I was walking home from work and found myself on K street, in Washington DC. The block was filled with obscure homes, some as old as 100 years. Most o...
Submitted to Contest #65
I am a ghost. But I am unlike any of the other ghosts you'll ever meet here in Ghost Haven Hall. I don't want to be a ghost." In my human form, I was kind and never gave anyone trouble. As a matter of fact, I ran away from trouble. One night I was walking home from a local bar, and having had one beer too many I found myself on a dark eerie street. I tried to get my bearings and trace my steps back to the bar, when I hears a voice from behind me say…."Got a cigarette?" Those were the last words I heard befor...
Submitted to Contest #64
We gathered in the library; the darkest room in the ten room mansion that belonged to my grandfather. There were seven of us in all. We were strangers to each other, but we would soon learn that we shared a genealogical relationship with each other; all but one of us. The man sitting next to me was my first cousin, Bruce. He was the son of grandfather's oldest son. He was quite distinguished, and was in charge of a large shipping conglomerate in Pennsylvania. Although we never met, I knew a lot about him through stories t...
Submitted to Contest #63
The noise of flapping wings and screeching going on in room 320 of the White Owl Elementary School was beginning to grate on Ms, Sheila Godfrey's nerves. She could feel it all the way from her maicured dark red talons to her black and cream colored feathers behind her yellow eyes. "Children, children, …. Please stop your screeching and pay attention to what I have to tell you all." With those words, the classroom went silent. The owls turned around and flew quickly to their nearest perch. They knew that failure to heed ...
Submitted to Contest #62
My mother made the history books at the ripe age of 99. The world named a syndrome after her...Attisons syndrome is what they called it. Like most seniors of her age, she had forgotten her past. She couldn't remember who she had been married to for over 55 years and she didn't even remember my brother and I. When her memory problems began, the family chalked it up to be old age or hardening of the arteries. It was a common ailment in the 20s. We decided to put mom into a Memory Center where she could receive t...
Submitted to Contest #61
The Clock Struck 11. I had been sitting there for hours upon hours reading my favorite author, Louisa May Alcott. Even though I knew the ending by heart it still did not help quote the tears. My sister entered the room and gave a smirky little laugh." I can't believe you are still crying over that silly book." I picked up the tissue that laid on the table before me and dabbed my eyes. No one really understood how I felt. How could they? I felt I had as I had been born in the wrong time and at the wrong place. I would have loved to have l...
Submitted to Contest #60
Welcome to Sram A New and Bette4 World That is the first thing I remeber seeing in front of me when I woke up from a rather sleepless dream. I seemed to be in a white sterile room which smelled of rubbing alcohol and antiseptic. There was a fresh cool air coming through a vent above me, and the purest white paint on the walls I had ever seen. As I continued looking around the room, I noted the scarcity of furniture. There was a single chair, a hook on the wall, with the clothes that I remembered wearing before I fell asleep...
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