NISHA MOHAN | Writing – Career Profile
Hello there,
I am Nisha Mohan, 35 in earth years and 21 in heart years.
I work as a Senior Business HR Manager for an ITES Firm at Bangalore.
A few years ago, right after my child was born, I had a lot of time to myself while at home, and that’s when I began to think about what it is that I like and enjoy doing and what is, ‘my true calling.’ Yes. I was indeed in a high paying job, I was earning well, had a fantastic family which was now complete with the new addition, my lil’ baby, but there was still this void that kept nagging me. I started obsessing about what I could do differently and in the creative field, which I was inclined to, and this led me to my passion, which is and has always been creativity and writing!
This skill of story-telling that I acquired goes back in time to when my elder sister and I would play this silly game, of telling each other stories (Made up) while including known people in our lives as characters in each of those stories, just before sleeping every night. And funnily, I always ended up telling mysteriously detailed stories that kept both, she and I hooked until late night. What I think we enjoyed most is that having being brought up in a very strict environment, we began to seek respite by vicariously living through those adventures in the stories I narrated. At times I would continue with my story line over the next few days. I don’t know where it came from or how, but I had a pretty wild imagination back then, and I hope and believe that I haven’t lost much of the magic now either.
When I look back now, I laugh fondly as that memory of the time my sister and I spent together, has been etched in the sands of time. Those were our adventures.
I hope in time to be able to share my stories with the world and to give them good reads that leave them feeling warm inside.