I live on a mountain, but not the kind in Heidi. There are two grocery stores here, a post office that is often open, and a train car visible from the main road as an “attraction”. It could be a caboose. I’m not really sure.
I work in a school, and as a news photographer. But not the cutting-edge kind, more like the warm fuzzies kind. Though I recently snapped a shot of a Church’s expired gambling license at their Instant Bingo booth for their summer picnic fundraiser. That *could* be my big break if they don’t renew it. Stay tuned…
I paint bricks to look like books in my spare time. But then I end up with a pile of really heavy artwork that I end up giving away.
I coach my kid’s soccer teams, but we don’t often win. I DO have a clipboard, a whistle, and all sorts of official looking coaching things.
I was a self-published author by the age of 7, writing a heart-felt non-fiction piece about my sister contracting chicken pox. You may have read it. Actually, you likely did not. It was a stapled-together booklet I made from cut up computer paper then hid in a drawer.
I look forward to reads of my stories, and reading yours. I love comments and suggestions, as I try to grow as a writer.
If you’d like to talk books or writing, find me at