Nancy Wright

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2020

3 Stories

58 karma pts


Author bio

Bios are funny. The place we are asked to share the "what is" of our life, rather than the "what could've been." Always feels so incomplete to me, but here goes. While all of my early years seemed to find me on track to head into a career that was writing-related in some way, a catalytic event when I was 16 (because even my young life was the stuff of novels.) sent me spinning another direction. From the Pacifc Northwest, I moved to Hawaii for a while then back to Portland where I fell into the fashion industry as a freelance stylist--a stylist that doesn't really love all the glam, but instead is always longing to write. So, fast forward many years, and I am finally doing both. Plus some mind-set coaching, as well. I love adventurous spiritual concepts, as well as action and edgy dark themes. Just sitting around exploring "what-ifs" is my kind of day...and if my cat is nearby, all the better.