Nancy Donovan
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2021
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2021
Submitted to Contest #116
Submitted to Contest #115
In order to avoid any confusion, my legal name is Anne Donovan, Anne Bernadine Donovan. I have been called "Nancy" since the day I was born. My parents wanted all of their children to have saint's names. They said Nancy is a nickname for Anne. The name Anne means "graceful." I am anything but graceful and not even close to a saint! I am thankful for the nickname and it is my preference. When it comes to getting paid, however, Anne Bernadine Donovan (cringe) is my alter ego that has to cash in the paycheck. She also is the evil twin in any legal troubles! Very few people can figure it out. I was born and raised in WI. My dream growing up was to become a famous author. I grew up in an upper-middle-class, Irish Catholic family of seven. I felt that it was imperative to go out into the world, live life & learn about everything my parents tried to discourage me from experiencing..... I made it about 40 miles away from home at 18 & became pregnant instead. Lol. I am not writing about being a single parent, deadbeat dads, abusive men, rape, the "ME TOO" movement, incarceration, rags to riches, riches to rags, infidelity, etc. I have experienced it all. I believe we all have trials & tribulations that make our stories unique, yet relatable. I have I am proud of who I am, yet not always of what I have done. People may be offended by some of my content and opinions. I think we need to all get over that. I am kind, a nice person and choose to be a happy person. It is that simple. My particular story so far in life is crazy, sad, moving, funny, challenging, etc. I am not defined by one terrible event or inspired by a single person or party. I am me. I am not always politically correct, nor do I want to be. I am courteous and respectful at all times. I may offend some people with my personal experiences and how I have handled them. I believe strongly in two sides to a story and being educated on both sides of a debate in order to understand your opposition. So here I go. One chapter at a time... PS, I am irritated that I have no way to save my story in order to elaborate more tomorrow or whenever on this site. Sometimes the best epiphanies are sporadic!