Moriah Ballantyne

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2023

Moriah hasn't submitted any stories yet!

Author bio

Hello, this is me the sixth child out of a seven-kid family, a short, quirky, friendly, small, young, cheeky, dyslexic (sorry for misspelling things, that's just the way I am), blonde, artistic, writer (maybe), who loves reading, who often makes up stories about quirky people in far-off lands doing crazy things inside her head at night, who's OK at math, loves a variety of music, whose fashion is anything in her closet, who has been to more than thirteen different countries, who does play the piano but forgets to practice until the day of the lesson, who commonly embarrasses herself being a dyslexic queen, has a stinky adorable little sister, a chubby nephew, and can usually be found reading, dancing, playing soccer, or doing nothing, once again I will state this is me! Have a good day and make sure to make someone smile!!! Bye!! o(〃^▽^〃)o