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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2020
Submitted to Contest #40
        I remember when I looked into his eyes during the last few moments he voluntarily wasted his time with me. I didn’t recognize anything different, dark, or distant as he smiled at me. His ocean eyes shone brightly under the setting sun as he laughed at his own humor. I remember the whole scene in slow motion as I sat there next to him on the grass while he turned his head to face me. He was finally growing a beard—evidence of puberty—and I watched him slowly become a man. We had been best friend...
Submitted to Contest #39
           She gazed up at the celestial bodies above her. Out in the Arizona desert, the view of the night sky was breathtaking and vivid with its blue, purple, and orange tones. She could see galaxies, planets, stars, and connect the dots to create constellations. There was nothing that calmed her like the presence of the universe just out of the reach of her fingertips.           She reached as far as she could—standing on her toe...
I adore wasting my days with my nose in a book and a pen in my hand.
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