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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2022
Submitted to Contest #294
“That’s him. I’m sure of it,” Lane whispers. Caleb glances at the bearded, heavy-set man in the black Fedora sitting alone in the back of the bar. Nursing a draft, the man’s obsidian eyes scan the room. The four other soused patrons watching a soccer game are unaware they could be in imminent danger. “Same uni-brow,” Lane utters quietly. “The jagged teeth, the humped back. His right hand still shakes from that bullet he took at the Battle of Numar. It’s definitely the Shark, Caleb.” Karl “the Shark” Nimitz’s malignant stare preys on Caleb. “...
Submitted to Contest #293
CW: This story contains violence, self-harm, and sexual themes.Will isn’t upset that he’s sitting in the very last row of the plane. He’s read that in the event of a crash, the people in the tail section usually survive.He isn’t upset that he’s in an aisle seat. With his nervous stomach and a prostate the size of New York, it’s better that he doesn’t have to climb over people to get to the bathroom.What’s upsetting him is the couple next to him making out like hormone-crazed teenagers. The gangly man with a porn mustache and the pneumatic bl...
Submitted to Contest #292
“You’re always a step ahead of the other agents,” Prentiss Moneymaker says, handing Estelle Mitchum a $50,000 bonus check. “You’ve sold more homes than all my other agents combined. What’s your secret?” Estelle smiles slyly. “I’m clairvoyant.” *** Back in her split...
Submitted to Contest #291
Danno sees a shape from the corner of his eye, causing him to cut himself with his razor. He turns to look at the shadowy figure. There’s nothing there. He mumbles, “I need to get my eyes checked.” Looking in the mirror, Danno sees the shadow standing behind him. It has no face, no features, only a pair of probing eyes that blink inquisitively. Danno turns around to confront his intruder. The shadow man is gone. Danno sits up in bed, relieved it’s a dream. &...
Submitted to Contest #290
Roger and Heddy cringe, walking low to the ground as they sneak up the driveway to their car. They can hear Viper Axton's dogs scurry across the dirt, banging against the wooden fence that shields them from their yard. The dogs bark incessantly, intent on getting at Roger and Heddy. “Well, trying to keep quiet didn’t work,” Heddy comments. “Dogs have a great sense of smell.” “When are we going to move?” Heddy whines. “Axton’s dogs bark if someone walks by. They bark when we take out the trash. They bark if the wind blows. Speaking of which, ...
Submitted to Contest #289
The stranger on the bench opens his eyes. A dark-haired little girl stands over him. “You okay, mister?” The stranger sits up, noticing a sign that says, “Welcome to Crystal Cove Park.” At the end of the lush park is a large body of water. Waves caress the sand, soothing his anxiety. A warm breeze wafts against his face. But he’s unsure if he’s looking at the Atlantic or the Pacific Ocean. “…Yeah, I’m fine.” The diminutive girl’s blue eyes sparkle, and she breaks out in a dimpled smile. “My name’s Lorna. What’s yours?” The stranger dwells on...
Submitted to Contest #288
The other soldiers laugh at Francois, who is wearing a long-sleeved shirt in the oppressive hundred-degree heat. The rest of the men in the Third Lovari Regiment have stripped off their thick uniform shirts, fighting in their camouflaged T-shirts. “Aren’t you hot?” Herve Verdun asks. “We’re not supposed to be out of uniform,” Francois replies. “If you think our Helican officers care, then the heat really has gotten to you.” A beagle pads through the muddy turf toward Herve. Herve picks it up, stroking its fur. “Good ole, Karma…” “What do you...
Submitted to Contest #287
Seventy-two-year-old Father Ronin McIntire shuffles alongside Killian Coyle, the director of White Birch Hospice Care. Balding and quietly spoken, with tranquil blue eyes peering out from behind round, steel-rimmed glasses, Ronin listens attentively to Killian. “After all these years, Ronin, you’re still putting in twice as many hours as the rest of the staff. You’ve been running on fumes ever since COVID. You used to look like a linebacker, but now you’re a string bean. You should take some time to rest and take care of yourself.” “The pati...
Submitted to Contest #286
Fontanelle, Nebraska1882 Myles Killebrew coughs up blood. Doc Hurtz wipes Myles’ lips with a rag, saying, “It won’t be long now.” Deputy Tennessee Longacre mutters, “Good riddance” under his breath. “I may be dying, but I’ve still got ears, you know,” Myles gasps. The rail-thin deputy pretends to spit. “Then hear this, you back shootin’ sidewinder. I hope you suffer for an eternity with that hole in your belly, then Ole Scratch comes and takes you straight to Hades where you belong.” Myles coughs, chuckling. “Still mad that I killed your br...
Submitted to Contest #285
Captain Garrick Lassiter takes a few deep breaths as the tank skims past a row of cherry blossom trees. Carson Steele pops out of the hatch, standing alongside his commanding officer. “Allergies?” he asks. “Just taking in the last of the clean, fresh air. I hear it’ll get pretty foul once we cross the border.” “It’s something more than that, Captain. You look troubled.” “I’ve got a feeling of Déjà vu. I remember passing these trees…I remember their smell, like vanilla…” A glint of recognition crosses Carson’s features. “They’re pretty common...
Submitted to Contest #284
“I’m sorry I haven’t been able to visit you more often since the funeral,” Drew says.“No biggie, son,” Leif replies. “I was mentally prepared for your mother’s passing. I loved her and didn’t want to lose her, but it was better for both of us. It was hard watching her die an inch at a time. She was such a vibrant woman, and she was in a lot of physical pain. But Sandy’s helped me adjust to life after forty years of marriage.”“Sandy? Who’s Sandy?”“Misses Amuso.”Drew snickers. “You and the neighborhood yenta?”“She’s more like the self-proclaim...
Submitted to Contest #283
Ottentail, Arizona 1875 “Painter!” The man known throughout town only by his profession rolls onto his back, letting out a phlegmy cough. Skin and bones, with one sad grey eye and the other covered by a patch and sporting a bushy brown beard and the remnants of a rumpled suit, Painter possesses immense talent. He’s created numerous portraits and landscapes, as well as the risqué painting of painted lady Queen Winona that hangs over the Wildweed Saloon’s bar, but he drinks away what money he makes. “I’m letting you out so you can enjoy Mayor...
Submitted to Contest #282
Ian Cognito takes a deep breath.A sleepy-eyed teen with pink hair dispassionately says, “Welcome to Cross River’s Taco Palace. It’s Taco Tuesday…What can I get you?”His hand shaking, Ian reaches into his jacket, producing an ancient revolver.“You can get me all of your money!”“You’re sure you don’t want our Super Senor Special?”“The only thing I’m hungry for right now is money.”“Okay, have it your way,” the girl replies, opening the cash register.“Isn’t that Burger King’s slogan?”“Are you a criminal or the fast-food police?”“I’m not a crimin...
Submitted to Contest #281
“I don’t understand why we’re going to visit her,” Izzy says. “She’s your grandmother, and she invited you to share Christmas with her,” Joel replies. “She didn’t even come to our wedding, and she’s never met Izzy,” Cherie notes. “Maybe she feels guilty.” “Maybe she’s about to croak,” Isabella adds. “Show some respect, Isabella,” Cherie scolds. “Your grandmother Jolie was a world-famous model.” Izzy dismissively rolls her eyes. Dressed in black, her dark hair streaked blonde and pink, their sixteen-year-old Goth daughter sports a ring in h...
Submitted to Contest #280
“There’s a fire in the woods, Matt.”“So, call the fire department.”“It’s not that kinda fire. It’s a bonfire. Disengage your lips from your can of beer for five seconds and come take a look. Someone’s trespassing on our property.” ***“This is cool, Bo.”“It’s gonna g...
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