Michael Heavener

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2021

12 Stories

231 karma pts


Author bio

Michael Heavener writes anecdotal and humorous poetry and stories as a way to keep himself grounded to his roots in Washington, love of history, trains, and adventures. Michael is treasurer and webmaster for the Redmond (WA) Association of Spokenword. He’s been published in Raven Chronicles’ “Humor, Humor, Humor,” Crosswalk’s “Praise Reports,” the RASP anthology "Here, There, and Everywhere," and his poems were displayed as framed art at an art gallery's "We Are Here" exhibit. When he retires, Michael is planning a poetry chapbook of imagined “it might have been” backstories about Biblical people who were mentioned once or twice in scriptures in minor supporting roles and then disappeared.