Mae Charlette Bulias

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2020

4 Stories

63 karma pts


Author bio

Hi! I am really a novice to writing, but I used to write letters on my childhood. I love doing it since I have nobody to share some of my life's experiences. I'm a kind of introvert, but I sees life as a natural observant. And so I learned to collaborate with the society. I engaged into volunteering and teaching. I participated this group because I believed that inside this community, I'll be able to meet diverse people with one language, with one advocacy. I love to see new adventures through writing and reading different stories untold by these amazing people. As Maya Angelou said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." Thus, I welcome everyone to visit my timeline and hope you can leave something. Everything will be sure glad to me as this will help me change and prosper to my endeavors.