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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2020
Chapter 1: (Jamie's foreword) I had never fallen in love before, only once, and it was the most magnificent day of my life, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. **It was finally time for the annual camping trip. Everyone had been texting me all day. Yes, I was excited but a knot had grown in my stomach, I guess I was excited but there were going to be more new people that Hux had invited from school earlier in the month. I wasn’t good around people, I never had been and now being diagnosed with Social anxiety it all made sense, yet I couldn...
Submitted to Contest #97
"Thomas Received" "You will never, EVER amount to anything, YOU HEAR ME?" The cruel words of his Lady Lane's voice replayed over in Thomas's mind, he clenched his fist trying to drown them out. Thomas stood looking out of one of the Servant's quarter's windows, the day was bright, his clock read exactly 6:00 am, it was already begging to become sunny. The clock chimed. Thomas sighed. "Well, here we go!" he muttered to himself as he changed out of his bedclothes and into his butler uniform. The bells started ringing, in all of t...
Submitted to Contest #96
Isla sat on her front porch, her red hands wrapped around a mug of lemon tea. The steam floated up into the air. England's weather hadn't been warm since March, and this displeased Isla, she was far too busy to care about the weather the previous year when she had been involved in the detecting agency. But, alas, now things had changed. A snowstorm struck England two mear weeks before Christmas. It was many months from that period of time but still, England remained frigid and laden with a white sheet on its surface. "Isla dear, do come bac...
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