Maddie's Closet
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2021
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2021
Don't ask me, I don't remember. Maddie here! I'm a writer, swimmer, and singer who loves music and will be deaf by 30. Currently working on my novella Remembrance. HAHA SCREW YOU WRITERS BLOCK 25K WORDS AND COUNTING!! Been writing seriously for 6 years, been writing for fun for 8!! Took a break from Reedsy for a while but am very happy to be back with a new start and a new account!! #listentosofiaisella #speedwriters #myhandscanttypeasfastasmybrainwantsthemto #bracesfreakingHURT #stopdownvotingnow #supportfellowWriters #speedwriterskinda* #whenyouranxietyhasanxiety #whatareothervalidhashtags #Iminschool #butreedsyismoreimportant #writersblockcangodieinthetrash #writingistherapy #nerdproblems #weridbuddies #booknerd #questionthingsalways #thestruggletoputyourthoughtsintowordsisreal #commentstalker #icantspell #darkhumorrrrrr #phantomsddeservesandwichestoo #toomanyhashtags