Luna Thompson
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2021
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2021
Submitted to Contest #104
Helllllo there! I’m Luna. Maybe. You don’t really know, do you? I could be someone only pretending to be Luna, or a girl called Jessica simply saying her name is Luna, or simply Luna Flint instead of Luna Thompson. Point is, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Ah, the joys of being an anonymous online writer. (Ignore that. Just call me Luna) I like reading, I like writing, I like chess. What else do you need to know? My age? (Well, whatever. I’m somewhere in between ten and seventeen. Guess.) Anyways, that was totally boring and useless for you to read. I apologize. Okay, I give up. Goodnight. (Wait. What if it isn’t night? Good day, then, and good morning, and good mid-morning, mid-afternoon, afternoon, and evening) Or just goodbye. Maybe I should go with that. GOODBYE.