Linda Boroff
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2022
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2022
Submitted to Contest #140
Submitted to Contest #140
Graduated from UC Berkeley, an English major. Nominated for Pushcart Prizes in 2016 and 2021. My first two novels were accepted & published in 2022 by two separate companies: a Young Adult novel ("The Dressmaker's Daughter") is set in my grandmother's Romanian village during WWII. The second is a dystopian novel ("Twisted Fate") about a prion pandemic. My fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Gawker, McSweeney's, Epoch, The Guardian, Cimarron Review, Prism International, Hobart, Moxy, Parhelion, Drunk Monkeys, The Boiler, Blunderbuss, Shark Reef, Literary Heist, Crack the Spine, Thoughtful Dog & others. I wrote one produced thriller ("Murder in Fashion") about the Versace killing. I have a short story and adapted script under option currently to Sony and Road Less Traveled Productions. I've won some fiction and screenwriting awards and been anthologized a few times. To support my storytelling habit (and hoard of rejection slips), I write blogs and advertising for Silicon Valley companies.