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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2022
“I’ve got a plan”. She'd been so sure of herself back then. And it was the best thing that could have happened to her at that point in time: She'd spent all her time on it and had come up with a perfect plan. If her plan worked, she could finally take her revenge against those who had destroyed everything. Who had destroyed everything that she loved? And then things would be all right again! As she finished completing the last details of her blood-thirsty plan, she felt herself being carried forward into the darkness, into the deepest pit of...
Submitted to Contest #160
Thirst. The last dog still alive in the area was observing Karl carefully sipping from his glass of water sat under the porch of his porch. The dog was looking around constantly with wide eyes, searching for a new source of water. The last remaining drops evaporated under Karl’s tongue when he suddenly noticed the dog looking at an approaching figure and barking wildly. When Karl saw the source of the dog’s excitement he realized that an old man was approaching him begging for help. “Can I help you?” he said to the man in front of him, doubt...
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