Lennie Couture
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2024
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2024
Submitted to Contest #271
Submitted to Contest #265
Submitted to Contest #264
I endure many titles. Some begrudgingly and others with adoration. "Momma" is by far my favorite. I have two beautiful girls who give me the incentive I need to get up every day and continue pushing towards that big ol' finish line. The title, "wife" comes in a close second. My husband is my best friend and confidant. We are two birds of a feather. I could not have been more fortunate in finding my mate for life. Thirdly, I earned the title "nurse". Truly, I have a passion in wanting to help others. I have found that American healthcare limits that availability. I specialize in psychiatric nursing and love my patient population. They have always been those with the hardest illnesses to treat (in my opinion). In my desire to give back, I am an adjunct instructor for my alma mater. I can actually advocate for patients this way. I am able to stress the importance of fair and equal treatment to mental health patients to our up-and-coming new nurses. Lastly, I have been given many other far less important titles. However, I have never let that reduce my own goals in life. Writing has always been something I have enjoyed. Whether I am actually decent or not in this craft is yet for me to know. This is my first time sharing. I hope my short stories are worth your time and enjoyment. βΊοΈ