Hi, my name Is Lee from the UK; I really love writing short stories. I have only started writing them this year, but I get enormous pleasure using the creative process of story writing. I have been on Reedsy three months now and I'm enjoying it immensely.
I only wish I had discovered Reedsy much earlier. What a great idea it is to have prompts to help kick start a short story idea. I also sometimes get ideas for stories while walking my dogs in my local park in London. I've even had ideas after just waking from sleep. I Iook forward every week to find out what the week's next prompt is going to be about. Sometimes it may not inspire me enough, but over half of the prompts fire me up to write another story. And when I'm into a story I'm am in an adventure of excitement. Most of the time my plots and characters take over so that I don't know how the story will end until I'm well into it!