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A weekly short story contest
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2019
Submitted to Contest #50
No one will ever be the same after what happened. The eventide they left us in the silva was the night I will remember forever. It was frigid that night in January when they rounded up our horde of twelve in our loungewear and then proceeded to blind us with silk ties and bond our hands and feet with rope. I sat next to Jack and held his hand as the cart recoiled. I also recall the orange-haired girl with her older brother Michael. The two of them were not that far away because I could smell the toilet water he called cologne. There was a ...
Submitted to Contest #39
Blank. That is how you would have described the whole world in the beginning. There was nothing but darkness and a spirit splashing about in a vast bottomless ocean. The figure, a child with a round face and big eyes was young, only two thousand nine hundred and twenty days old. The childβs name was Nimij and he is the divine. The story goes that in the empty space, Nimij floated about in the water. His small, pudgy hands splashing excitedly, causing ripples to appear in the water. The circles formi...
Stressed college student who finds relief in writing!
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