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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2019
Submitted to Contest #19
I was expecting to return home in no more than an hour, but what happened next caused me to lose ten years. It was supposed to be a last-minute pickup. It was supposed to be ready the day after Thanksgiving. I had anticipated the Christmas rush and that things would be backed up. I never anticipated that the order would be the wrong necklace and ring. “See. The set I ordered for you was the one you were admiring at the jewelry store,” says Benny. The chocolate set. The one sent was rose gold. It was nice, but another couple from somewhere el...
Submitted to Contest #18
I expect the unexpected in my line of work for we film mystery thrillers with much action based on true life events. It’s early fall and this mysterious real-life event happened to me some months ago during the summer. I wasn’t looking for another peacoat. I wouldn’t need it. I already have one. A black one. But a deep blue like this one would be a good addition to the wardrobe. It was only the second day of this outdoor market and no one, it seemed, had given buying the peacoat a second thought. Why would they? Who needs a warm coat wi...
Submitted to Contest #15
Was I a little off or weird? Well, yeah. Who wasn’t in their own way? But I didn’t deserve the death penalty. And neither did Ace, in the beginning. My name is Frank Baker. And being a bus driver is a good cover. The truth of the matter, I’ve had various jobs. I was prior military. Air Force right out of high school. I graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in English and a minor in psychology. If you would have known me during my younger years you would realize it was a long way from my grades in high school. Hey, I decided...
Submitted to Contest #13
I found out in the most interesting way that I died. My plan was to stay in all weekend. The first time for a while. I was simply going to watch the college football triple-header, but then I realize I have nothing to drink, no pizza, no chips nothing for breakfast or lunch next week. No point starving in the process. It’s an early October weekend, but not too cold. I throw on some shorts and head out. And who do I run into? Literally, run into. Lake Montgomery.I hadn’t seen her in years. I was looking into the freezer section at the grocery...
Submitted to Contest #12
Jade and Caron could see the heat rising off the concrete in front of them. They were heading nowhere in particular just racing. Simply something to do on a blistering summer day. It hadn’t rained for a minute. Grandpa and grandma were worried at the fact. Drought is the worst. Besides killing the crops and making the prices rise on fruit and vegetables, the trees fall over when the storms come. They heard them chatting in the kitchen. “I don’t want to spend another one thousand dollars to take down that tree, but we gotta do it,” grandpa sp...
It has been a while. Almost twenty years. It’s not that I don’t like coming here. I do. It’s just I haven’t had the time. It’s not on par with Panama City or Daytona beaches, but a pretty nice beach none-the-less. It’s not warm most of the year like those places. That’s because Saint Eldridge Islands is much further north. The fog makes it mysterious. The water smashing against the rocks, the rays of sun filtering through the haze bring back memories of when I became lost. It was my first visit there.I simply wanted to look over the ed...
Submitted to Contest #10
How much does it cost to give us peace and quiet? Do we act the fool when you’re working? No. Do we scream and holler at the television at 2:00 A.M.? No. So what is the problem? We’ve asked on several occasions. But you don’t seem to get it. Other people have a life to live as well. I get it. You need to kick back and enjoy your downtime. I enjoy mine while you’re painting. Why can’t you enjoy your downtime while I’m writing without utterly disturbing me and the whole building? Use headphones you say. You simply want to watch television and ...
Submitted to Contest #9
IrisArriving at the townhome of Frank and Alaina Macey in his Sunday best, a blue three-piece Alfani suit, with black Alfani shoes, dark blue shirt and a white tie, Orion would miss half of Sunday service for the third week in September. Orion states. “So, once again, a blue iris is left at the scene. Have you found the white iris yet.” “And who are you?” asks police Captain, Sierra Shaffer.“Orion Sunn. I ride along with various police departments around the metro area. I’m a writer.”“You mean a journalist.”“I freelance, ghostwrit...
Submitted to Contest #8
The rising sun at their back, the silhouette of the mountain stands like a sentinel over the town. The trail on which Willow and James are running this Saturday morning in Stone Mountain Park, James notices, is still, and without birdsong, is still, without the jaunting of squirrels, mosquitoes, and moths, even, lie low. James and Willow pass the enormous oak tree--the two-mile mark on their run. The oak has grown to the point that its limbs stretch across the trail, beyond the sidewalk and hang above the middle of the road. “That tree ...
Submitted to Contest #7
An early evening orange-red haze fills the sky. The sun begins to set and I look past the crescent silhouette of the moon looking as usual, for Saturn. On days like this, there’s no need for my telescope. The evening sky is clear. On other evenings, no matter how hard I look, I fear Saturn is forever lost to me. I took for granted that I visit Saturn regularly. But no more. I haven’t been able to visit or barely talk to my father and my sister Sharmayne for almost a year. When Earth jams transmission signals making it difficult for u...
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