Hello writers, I am from the wilderness, mountains, and Siuslaw National Forest on the Oregon Central Coast, Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.
Below are some links where you can visit me online or contact me. - my website and blog with all my reedsy stories and their illustrations (includes the required link backs to reedsy)
facebook - let's be friends -
email: - contact me with your additional comments, suggestions, and thoughts about writing
I am writing light, whimsical, historical fiction with hints of fantasy for kids through adults.
I hope kids and adults have fun reading the stories and also get spurred to have an interest in the history and other information that inspires these tales.
The individual stories share themes of coastal living, historic fiction, ships, and animals and nature along ocean coastal areas.
For decades I have been a scenic photographer and fortunate to have won awards sometimes. I try to paint pictures with words in my writing.
I call these stories "Mystical Coast Stories" and they have hints of fantasy mixed with eras that may be in ancient times, or the 1800s, or modern day with flashbacks to hundreds or thousands of years ago.
website: -- (You'll need to copy that address and paste it into a search box.)
I try to integrate my studies in anthropology with creativity to create these historical fiction stories.
One of my college degrees is in Social Science and my anthropology, archeology, ancient history, and paleontology were my favorite classes, although I also took a lot of political science.
(My other college degree is in Computer Technology, but I also have education in healthcare. I worked in healthcare and technology most of my life.)
I always loved to read and to scribble down stories. My first story was in the third grade and it was about Autumn Leaves, written with a big, thick pencil on the large lines of the paper with about a dozen papers taped together. The teacher waved the long story on the taped papers around in the air like a kite tail.
In the fourth grade I wrote my first play for puppets and it was about a female astronet (not astronaut but the feminine) who goes to outer space to the Milky Way. We made puppets from toilet paper rolls and the class had a puppet stage where we crouched underneath. For the rocket explosion when she launched we threw flour through the air.
I used to race sailboats and have lived on large lakes and/or on the west coast of the United States.
Many of my stories are inspired by a love for being on the water or the beach, and by my love for nature and animals.
These days I roam the Oregon coast of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It is a wilderness with a temperate rainforest, small isolated villages, ocean ports, the second tallest trees in America (fir trees hundreds of feet tall) and lots of wild animals.
We are neighbors with black bears, cougars, whales migrating along the coast, and many other animals of the wilderness and sea.