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Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2020
Submitted to Contest #43
Daniel heaved an exasperated sigh as he lumbered his way up the stairs to the attic. He hated that his dad insisted he clean up there, with the draping curtains of cobwebs, the miscellaneous junk in every corner, and the dust bunnies half Daniel’s size. Where in the world was he even supposed to start? And what was even the point of cleaning the attic anyways? What, was his dad expecting company up there? It wasn’t like anyone was actually going to see how messy the attic was; it’s an attic, a ...
Submitted to Contest #40
Sam thought it funny, in that moment, how television and movies always portrayed funeral scenes as rainy and gray and miserable. They always made it seem as though the entire universe was mourning the loss of the dead character in question, as if that person were just so important that the world itself was agonizing over how it would go on without them. Of course, real funerals were rarely like that. They were always depressing, sure, with weeping aunts and mothers competing over who could wear the most eccentric black funeral hat, and child...
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