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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2021
Submitted to Contest #276
It was a non - peculiar morning when a peculiar breeze found its way beneath my duvet, tickled my toes and nudged me awake to let me know it was time to get up.Don’t laugh but I was convinced and still am, that the breeze, which had no obvious source, was and is of the holy kind. Has anyone else ever experienced that? A helping hand you didn’t ask for or think you needed? Some unexplainable, let’s say Force, outside of your control that influences your plans? A Force that gives you power or piles on pressure? That holds you back or hurr...
Youve been unwell for some time, Lexion”“No kidding” Liberty’s attendant jabs his tongue against the inside of his cheek to delay his reply. He’s learnt over the eleven years of serving the maverick how to wisely respond to her sarcasm.“You know” he decides finally on a line of attack, pouring her morning electrolyte infusion into the glass tumbler chilled overnight and placing it beside her prostrated body; “II’d hoped the sass would become as non-existent as your appetite.”His wittiness is met with a short sharp lipsucked smile. To mo...
Submitted to Contest #252
TW: Eating disorders, death, griefBody heat doesn’t produce any benefits inside an anglican church on a balmy spring morning. The pews are packed with mourners, cladded in black felt, rocking in their seats with chill and grief. I’m unsure which emotion is stronger as I stuff a hand into my coat pocket, scraping it against the sharp paper folded inside. I try looking upwards to stop my spinning head from swandiving between my legs.I am faint again. I am crashing again. I haven’t eaten anything again.The outer corners of mouth feel tacky but ...
Submitted to Contest #234
“We have all the time in the world.” Without a word, she revolves in place with hands on hips, elbows jutting and lips puckering. As her eyes glare down at our bodies adorned with lingerie and filigree, I imagine her brain firing up all over again. The blasé comment is a fatal mistake, offered up by the trust fund teenager, in a moment far from optimistic. If the teenager had taken a second to read the room, she would understand that the fire - her cousin - is already smoking and doesn’t need any more poking. The careless comment is anothe...
Submitted to Contest #230
Newspapers are very handy. You can do a lot with such a humble item:1. Reading:Of course, you can read them – if you’re that way inclined. Personally, I've never found the appeal of sitting on your backside all day and shuffling through just to make unsolicited commentary especially about people’s lives, and things that aren’t your business or in your control. But I digress...2. Pack delicate items:I may not read the paper for news, but I do watch the local news channel every day at every interval. I don’t read the paper because th...
Submitted to Contest #229
These days, I avoid drama, crowds, and confrontation. I avoid them like the plague.Because here, drama, crowds and confrontation only ever lead to either a fight or what I call a “rush”.All lead to injury. And I’m terrified of being injured - again.The last and only time I was injured was the worst time of my life. The injury itself and the memory of what happened before and after still haunts me. I’m terrified that if I get caught up in another rush or brawl, and get hurt again, I’ll have to relive that day over. It’ll kill me. It’s only a ...
Submitted to Contest #227
“I don’t want to hang up.”“I know, me neither”.She flipped over on her stomach and indulged for a guilty moment in the idea that she was in some pathetic romcom (her least favourite film genre) where the girl gets all giggly and restless whilst phoning her guy.Her feelings for him and his for her were deep. It had been admittedly an incredibly fast and perhaps reckless love.*For years, they’d been within each other's radar due to sharing mutual friends. They'd grazed shoulders at student bars and participated in games and debates at their in...
Submitted to Contest #209
That boy gives me no rest. But he will not wear me down. I will seek him, I will find him and I will kill him.Dare I say he is worse than those uncircumcised men! Those uncircumcised men, who are like a plague that won’t die, like a nightmare that won’t end. They just keep coming back. Honestly, no sooner we send them galivanting back across the desert to Gath, no sooner they come right back for more. Either they’re gluttons for punishment, deluded or they need to fire their advisors.They underestimate me, they make a mockery of my kingship....
Shortlisted for Contest #207 ⭐️
The house at the end of Beverley is enthroned with pink blossom trees. From the outside alone, a pale bricked driveway swept clean, I can tell this household likes to keep everything in order. Spring shivers through the branches as I bring my own ride, an ergonomic budget-friendly hatchback, to a stop. I wonder, gazing through the window if the party’ll be hosted outside.Spring is my favourite season, but sadly, it’s incredibly temperamental. I have vivid memories of enduring outdoor functions whereby all four seasons fought for centre stage...
Submitted to Contest #198
The headteacher doesn't look up from his desk. He has a MacBook on his left, and a cup painted with watercolour cats on his right. He stabs at the keyboard, one key at a time, staring intently into the screen behind a pair of bug-eyed spectacles. He slurps the tepid tea and stabs, slurps and stabs, then curses quietly when the computer lets out its own explicit at his data entry misstep.His visitor watches him from the opposite end of the room, hidden in the shade of a banana leaf plant, her brown eyes taking him in, in all his senior splend...
Shortlisted for Contest #163 ⭐️
“A man’s pursuit for wealth and fame is his greatest downfall”What a statement! I hear you exclaim. Please know, dear reader, I’m not intentionally trying to rustle feathers. I’m not trying to make a name for myself and become known for my thinking like the great Aristotle. No, I’m a simple man making a, quite frankly, obvious observation.Although I am now old and suffering from “disease in my legs” (the physician insists it is gout), spending my latter years prostrated on my bed, I have lived a comfortable and fulfilling life. Now that I am...
Submitted to Contest #151
The car is covered in plastic but the driver doesn’t address my masklessness. He reapplies his own, cordially, and through the rear-view mirror, asks me with smiling eyes where I want to go.I try to recall the address but the familiar sights of the oak-lined avenues and feeling of stiffness after a four-hour journey generate an automated answer.“Home,” I say.“Ah,” his brightness is muted by his facemask. He glances at my luggage contaminating his plastic sheets with dried mud and probably the COVID virus; must be nice to be back?“Hmm,” I rep...
Submitted to Contest #147
TW: GriefWe lie, wide awake, spooning in bed and listen with frustrated envy to our younger neighbours putting their mattress to work on the other side of the wall. It’s not lost on me how ironic it is that their lovemaking intrudes on our own. The sounds are so distracting that I feel physically exhausted just listening and suddenly the wild night we’d both planned doesn’t feel so appealing anymore.“I’m sorry,” I sigh hugging Santi’s arms wrapped around my soft middle, “I just…can’t. Not with that in the background.”Santi’s chin n...
Submitted to Contest #142
As Amina’s eyes zip down to the next row of paperbacks and finally locate the correct section, she ironically fails to notice the squatting man browsing through the lower shelf. The man barely loses balance, but his grumbling unsettles Amina. She snatches the recommended book and backs out of the narrow aisle, profusely apologising. Feeling flustered, she presses the novel against her chest and slides into the view of the front desk’s library assistant. She has fortunately bagged the last copy.Why is my heart beating so fast?!The collision w...
The queue provides the perfect excuse for Malika to return to her Toyota, take the forty-minute ride back to her maisonette and keep her reputation in check. She thinks about sliding out from between two pairs of loved up couples and returning to her life of modesty and mundaneness. But if she does that, she’s proving him right, isn’t she?If she backs out now, she’s letting him win. And she’s not going to let him win.Not today, not this time.I’m staying; she resolves, shutting down her introverted mind. Pushing away her nagging anxiety, she ...
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