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A weekly short story contest
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2022
Submitted to Contest #278
Trigger Warning: This story contains mentions of suicide, murder, S/A, and drug abuse. To whomever it may concern in the future, I must confess. Lisa clutched the letter tightly in her trembling hands, her heart racing as she tried to process the words before her. Each sentence felt like a distant echo, her mind struggling to comprehend the reality they presented. The ink on the paper blurred into a haze as she stared at it as if it were a passage from a dramatic novel rather than a message meant for her. One shaky hand dropped to the desk, ...
Submitted to Contest #277
Trigger Warning: This story will contain death.I miss her.Β I glare down at the cleanest gravesite around. I made it my duty to come a clean her headstone every night. I would come talk to her before I went to bed and when I woke up in the morning. The routine kept her alive in my mind, but it also made the realization that she was gone hit me so much harder.Β Her grave looks like it is almost isolated from everyone else's. I hope she isn't still lonely in the afterlife. All of the others are covered in moss and shrub as if they were...
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