Kaitlyn Wadsworth

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2022

74 Stories

2873 karma pts


Author bio

I love writing and reading. I can do both on this site. Many thanks, Reedsy. Fantastic stories. I don't think I'll ever win, though. It took over two years to get into the top 100 list of Reedsy contributors, a significant milestone for me as a writer on this platform. I have won prizes for writing short anecdotal clips for a parenting magazine. Writing short stories here is more challenging. As a job, I have a Uni. of Cambridge ESOL Qualification for teaching English to students of other languages. Due to having several stories in Reedsy, the stories are listed in order within character threads. (Unincluded are random stand-alone stories.) Young Vikky Stories. The Ghost in the Mirror (275) The Coraline Factor (244) Tenuous Teamwork (256) Percival Smart and AI Adam Stories. The House Guest (252) The Holiday - (Breaking Point versus Point Break) (253) Percy Smart in Denial (255) Suspicious Partners (260) Brenda's Story (270) Melissa's Story (279) His World is Rocked (263) The AI Who Came in from the Cold. (281) Lynley Stories. La Luna - A Grand Night Out (245) Lynley Strikes Again (250) Magical Music (269) My Summer Holiday - (Frozen, Fried, and Frazzled) (262) Marcus and Victoria Stories. The Ghost in the Mirror (275) Portrait of a Shrew (225) The Invitation (236) Marcus and the Trip of a Lifetime (B 4 260) The Longest Promise (239) Deja Vu (243) The Soulshifters (196) Her Eulogy - Diary of a Grateful Lady (261) Verity and Terry Stories Persuasion (248) or 'Who is this Girl?' Whose Girl (224) About a (Aspergers Syndrome) Boy The Boy Who Couldn't Read Emotions (213) A Criminal Act (222)

Shortlisted 1 story ⭐️