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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2022
Submitted to Contest #262
Let's all sit down and practice our silent literacy, much desired skill. Open this magical tale, written with pixies on a keyboard these days. It is telling of impossible things, a story of love which is inherent in our human race. Our heroine today was known as Stacey S. Snow. Somehow, by flawed mischance and bad luck, she had wandered down some lane in the magically enchanted world that exists in Fractured Fairyland. She had been on her summer vacation, but her plans went astray, her happy holiday had gone all wrong.Down on her luck, seek...
Submitted to Contest #261
Let's all sing a song of the sea, a tale that can echo through the generations of humanity. Our human cognition is a work in progress, just like our mankind's pondering in abstract thoughts.Humans have always wondered about their fascination with the whales of the seven seas, swimming around the globe, singing to their own songs. Whales have the largest mammalian brains. As humans, we shall probably always gaze and wonder about the sheer size of any whale, marveling at what a whale is really thinking, what they perceive through their eyes, a...
Submitted to Contest #260
Ashley checked her makeup and stunning blonde hair, smiling at her reflection in anticipation of the summer days and nights ahead. Her teen sweetheart was coming home for his holidays from that final year at college. Ashley had her expectations of Calhan, the tall blond sporting hero.Ashley and Calhan had been titled "The Twins." At the time, they dressed in similar clothes, laughed at the same jokes, kissed together, had explored their earlier fumbles together. They were expected to marry when Calhan graduated as an architect, when he retur...
Submitted to Contest #259
Henny and Penny came to the world as eggs to be hatched in the usual way. Sapphire, who used to be ordinary Jenny, nurtured her baby chickens in their hen house in the back yard. Henny and Penny soon firmly believed they ran the hen house, which consisted of a sisterly journey. Sapphire had been divorced some time before by her ex. His name was Blake. Unfortunately for all concerned, his dominating mother from Hell was still washing his underwear. No other woman he had craved would touch him with a 1000 foot barge pole. Sapphire spent her sp...
Submitted to Contest #258
Sunbeams were shining, birds were singing, bees were buzzing. Charlotte was choosing happy, making her own fun now. Last night, after her day of enjoying her vocation of gardening, she had returned home to her new dwelling in her childhood bedroom. There the mail had included her divorce, which she had been compelled to seek.Charlotte still did not want to think about her ex, Corey. "Maybe all women only get married to get divorced," she thought. Her lips were zipped, as she nurtured, staked and pruned, planting blooms. "I must bloom where I...
Submitted to Contest #257
It was fascination, flawed by teenage human nature, taken to the max. Rom had walked to his bus stop as normal, clad in his very expensive private Christian school uniform. He had always been a bit of a loner, but played the game. Top student in final year, expected to excel in his mid-year exams. He continued on as vice-captain of the football team.But he had become fascinated by Jules, as her friends called her. She was only a couple of years younger than him, yet a fully formed young woman. Her dark flashing eyes had captivated this teen ...
Submitted to Contest #256
"I suppose you think this is funny, O Easter Bunny?" Narelle muttered at the golden foil clad bunny, smirking at her. It was now months past Easter. A kind friend had months ago gifted her with this cute top of the range chocolate bunny, symbol of new life and hope for us all.Unfortunately, over that fateful holiday, Narelle had indeed met her Gall Bladder surgeon. Her gallstones had been as those old pizza pies she had eaten. Yes, okay, having recovered from emergency surgery, Narelle was still being classified as 'fair, fat and forty.' "O...
Submitted to Contest #255
Would the meek and mild ever triumph, so love could find its way? Fabio drove to his day job as vet, wondering. That morning, he had awoken in the usual way, surrounded by the smother love of his Zia Gabriella, or Gabby as she was affectionately known in his little 'hood. Long ago and far away now, Fabio had become an orphan, so his father's older sister had brought him up, family first.Fabio brushed off his trousers, covered with cat fur again.He did love all creatures great and small, hence his vocation. Zia Gabby had taken to feeding a va...
Submitted to Contest #254
"Have you ever been in love?" Kim slowly awoke in the morning light, asking herself. She had been brought up to show Godly love to all around her. Supposedly, according to her religious elders, friends can leave, but your family are forever.Right now, Kimberley was finding it a real struggle to demonstrate humble Christian forgiveness. In her church group where she was the youth leader, she had been cruising, newly engaged after meeting cute Logan. She respected herself, and did not abandon her family's teaching.But Logan had a few other ide...
Submitted to Contest #253
Sit back, relax, and you can enjoy a narrative of a life chapter. It is all about a Benny Hill moment for a shy boy, so long ago. How did these younger ones appear on our planet in this day and age? Some might wonder, indeed, always check the bloodline, to consider what your grandparents were getting up to. They were the boomers, dear readers, now recalling their younger years with a good sense of humor, and fond memories of attraction. It was all leading to 'off with bloomers' and procreation. Very creative, 'our generation.'Cole was only...
Submitted to Contest #252
"There's a bright side to everything!" Sister Heloise told herself, as she was serving up morning tea to her senior nuns in the retired teacher's convent. It was date loaf for nibbles. She regarded herself as a handmaid to the Lord, being good and kind. She had woken up a bit grumpy, but kept on smiling.Their annual summer holiday at the beach was over, back to their routine in the slow news town of Old Blithering. Those lazy and hazy days of summer were winding down towards Autumn. It had still been so hot, until a thunderstorm had swept ac...
Submitted to Contest #251
"Hey, good looking, what you got cooking?" Ruby glanced up from her orders, eyeing the new customer in her coffee shop. He was a handsome man, all right. She smiled, this was a new line, an old song. "Good morning, welcome to My Coffee Pot. What coffee would you like?" "A latte, and your breakfast special, bacon and eggs, thanks." Ruby smiled again, noticing the old book he was holding. "What are you reading?' She could not help appreciating a fine figure of a male when she saw one, such a charming grin. "It's an old song book I discovered ...
Submitted to Contest #250
Introducing Taj, the terrible teen. He was sitting in the very posh waiting room, waiting, waiting. He was sent here by a court order from the Children's Court, his parents were completing all the paper work. Taj was still waiting to meet his new health provider, eminent shrink, specializing in child and adolescent psychiatry. This solution to Taj's stage of development went by the name of Dr. Sponger. He cost a fortune, but Taj was going along for this ride. His phone pinged. He tried to ignore it, but scrolling was his hobby, part of his ...
Submitted to Contest #249
Have you ever had an afternoon delight done right? Lynette was now a personal explorer, in unfamiliar territory. The curtains were drawn, a scented candle lightened the way for her new discoveries. In bed with Bridget for the first time. Sensuality was making sense, Lynette finally found what she did know she had been seeking. She had one day been chopping up tabbouleh at her teenager's tuck shop, preparing vegan choices for lunch. Vegans could really annoy Lynette's dad, old Walter. He said tabbouleh was only 'lawn clippings'.As she was lau...
Submitted to Contest #248
Monday morning, the routine. Ingrid had driven her four kids to their parochial primary school. Her youngest, Matthew, was settling into his first year in the system. Now Ingrid's future was ahead, confronted by piles of washing, with mountains of meals to cook.Why wasn't she skipping around in her free time, reading a romantic chick lit? Yes, she was realizing again that her devout husband's rhythm method had failed. Ingrid was the first and last to know the end result of those fateful questions. "What's for dinner, Little Mother?" Plus the...
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