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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2021
Cumulus was getting bigger as time went on. A life of mishmash had caught up to the moment, albeit a life that presented itself as the pinnacle of organization. Pointed, organized thought. Ordered, set in stone, a life of rigid leisure.What lied beneath, no one knew the half of it.Where to turn during times of despair was an empty, fruitless attempt, like- biting into an apple and finding half of a worm.Yuck.🤢Couldn’t hold it in, hold it together long enough to get to the next episodic life transition, yet was wondering why things were build...
Nope.Not worth it.The chase becomes the race becomes the race and finally the chase.The tiny little salt shakers of life filled with the golden crystals of life. Of sale, exchange and trade. What ends up happening is theHook.One way or another it makes its way into our front doors.In the corners of the minds. And. Hearts of a few.Legally.Illegally.Sneakily.In small amounts.In larger amounts.Among trains, planes and automobiles.In four squared packages wrapped neatly in brown paper bagged wrapping paper-like the anticipation of the former bro...
Ouch!That hurts.We learn from experience the holding cell of purgatory is our own self-inflicted wounds.And.Unfortunately, at times, the feeling, the pain, it is inflicted by another.As young and innocent often children learn when seated too close to one another may discover. The fidgety wheel, the squeakiest wheel often gets the oil😳. The attention. In the moment, Makes little difference if the attention is good or bad, positive or negative.Until the fallout. Of what just happened. Why did it happened begins the journey of what ifs and whod...
It.Practice makes perfect.It.A lot comes down to.It.Who wants “it” more.Then.What they are willing to do to get “it”.Person specificity. Special needs. And all the in between options.Aren’t we all just so “special”.The landscape and playing fields are “leveling” at rapid paces. Where will you be? Where will you be standing? Up or down. Falling all over yourself🫵🏻?Or.Chasing after your dreams.Running them down even?Mowing them down….Left behind.Left field😏Sooooooooooooooo.How bad DO you want “it”.Fearful of missing out of it, out on “it” so m...
As for me and my house.We like to know where we are goin’.☺️And. In the end.Siri is not gonna get us “there.”The best things in life are not free.(Siri has been lookin’ over your shoulder for far too long) Keeping score, tallying up the debts and deficits.Far. Too. Long.Really?Yes.In the meantime.Someone. Somewhere. Somehow. Someway.Is picking up the slack.🙏🏻🤗Hurray.Now what.Embrace the beauty in the ugliness of the me that is we. Well. If a shower is not beyond the horizon….a fist pump will do!😏🤜🏻🤛🏻The beauty in a day, is to realize we are ...
Except for the quiet ticking.On the wall.So quiet. So faint.The eyes tried to follow the faintness.The head turned in scary-slow-motion, to look over the shoulder.To see what it was.Tick. Tock. The pendulum went.Back and forth the arguments lent.Mistruths. Lies. And The corresponding stories.Told. Re-Told. Told again.And. Again. And. Again.The ultimate traffic jam of words, deceptions, receptions—before any union or re-union even took place. Ordered. Disordered.In the end, does it even matter?Yes.Yep.And. All things Okeedokee.No acquiescence...
Perpetual Perpetuity.And all things medi, pedi, and unsteady.Wait.What?No one likes to look at anyone else’s feet😝So what happens?We whack around a wiffle ball in honor of pickles.Wait.What?You heard me.Correctly.You just don’t want to admit.That.You heard me correctly.After all. Land is rapidly becoming a scarcity.Where you sit. Where you stand. While under our ever living Covid-noses-has already been sold to a highest bidder somewhere on this earth……Scary.Yes.Early Halloween ghosts and goblins scary?Passed that a long time ago. That kinda ...
A New Day.A New Song.Take a hike.Take a walk.With people and strangers who used to be friends, who may turn out to be the same as the enemy you never thought you knew. Do you ever feel like you, yourself and you are running around in circles? Feel like less is more but more might be “nice.” Minimalism exists for you, yourself and you. Not for others, because it is too “easy” to tell a quick lie over a hard truth?We’ve all been there. Blaming this or that or him or her. Them. The Club. The Group.The Team.Do you feel as if you are always settl...
Objection!Your honor.To the objectification of the circus tactics on displayed on stage.Ugh. Frankly.It is just plain gross.One cannot find a soul in the bed of another’s……And the delivery is getting ridiculously stale.Old.An apology is an apology when ownership of the wrong exists.Of an oops.Of a mistake.Of the baitful techniques and provocation lurking ‘round every corner.Exhausting, too.Didn’t you know?Rainbows, kittens and puppies don’t even like it.😝 After all, they cough up fur balls like lies. Doesn’t agree with their systems of their...
Grounded.On the tarmac.The Expanding Man.What does this mean?Throw a kiss? Say Goodbye😗Webs? Enmeshment.Or Healthy Intertwine.At this stage of the game. It unity at all possible?Who wants to win. Who needs to lose.Exactly.In order for world order to be, well, ordered. To some extent at least. The this that is this.Ain’t working.Fifteen minutes of fame.Nope.Won’t carry anybody for the long haul. At all.Stranded.Grounded.Nobody going nowhere. Really, is not the way “it” is supposed to be.Where do we begin?Clarity.The there, here and commitment...
How will I know?If He really loves me?How will I know?If she really loves me?Would you, really know it when you see it?It can be dicey.It can be all about attitude.It can be near to impossible to “tell.”It can be running under a rock time.Defined, by the old fashioned dictionary as “subtle, sneering expression of contempt for or disgust with someone—sometimes verbal, sometimes not.”Sounds dreadful, either way you slice it, or throw it.Can’t we all just get along? Live and let live?Maybe some day.For now.Throwing.Blocking.Blah. Blah. Blah.Dou...
God does not play dice.. (AE)The definition of insanity.Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.Witty sat down. To ponder. What in the world is happening to the world he once knew. He learned, in science class, that basically, “it is what it is.” Whatever this is supposed to mean……or that…………is supposed to mean. He thought.What did Witty want? A stupendous result?…. What was actually happening? A chaotic mess of unintended particles gettingjiggy with it and each other having no real idea why. World “order”?Why. Do ...
“The devil made me do it!” Bolster replied.My doubts overwhelmed my better nature and the whispers became a scream of “Stop it”. Overpowering.Bolster felt buttressed😊by the unwavering support, he felt.Why? Because folks were gunning for Bolster. Any arsenal of excuses and reason held within his holster, he called it the “Bolster Holster” was becoming quite dwindled in all the corruption and obstruction.In reality.There were only weak matches for Bolster.Weak matches. Ancillary, corroborative only to the extent of “hearsay.” As in, “ I heard ...
Here. There. Everywhere. Jealousia traveled far and wide, deep and far to wreak havoc. A never ending ness of hope and hate and all things grass. It was sad. So, so sad. Jealousia had been given so much free stuff. One would think, or hope, Jealousia would stop running away from the truth.Jealousia forgot. Where Jealousia came from. Terrible things occur when this happens. When we forget either intentionally or honestly. Jealousia’s favorite bonanza of thoughts, words and actions include lying, cheating stealing and pretending.Jealousia used...
Once upon a time.In another universe.There was a bill. Who manically sang:”I’m just a bill. Yes. I’m only a bill.And I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill.”He was.A cute little fella.Of a bill.Pacing back and forth.Waiting to be heard.Ah. Yes. A cute little fella.He was.She was.That cute little bill.Little did he know.And for all intents and purposes, from here on out, we will call our little friend a “he”. If for any reason another than respect.Of.Our Founding Fathers.🤓. There were. After all. The Founders. And Fathers.Yes. Yes. We know. Well. M...
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