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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2021
When I was a little person, over time fear became a bedside table of loneliness and seclusion. The weird part is that I surrounded by people a lot of the time. Within five feet of me, ten feet, “in the house”.So to speak.The problem was when I did, speak, very few actually heard. What years later proved after moves and pushes and shoves of words and feelings, that they were trying to be heard too.The chaos at time, unbearable. Learning that at the end of the day, we honestly begin the day by trying our best to listen. Hoping, at the end of ...
Do you hear what I hear?Did you hear that?The big bang?The startle reflex is in high gear.The middle finger is poised and ready to flip,the bird.Changing the game plan? (ct/bs) mid game.Priceless.Switching the playbook game plan mid game. Someone must take the ownership of and for the pummeling. But. When?Vindicated versus Vindication.A no win situation.Leveling the leverage?Again,A no win situation.Disingenuous ingenuity.Again.A no win situation.Like yesterday would have been “nice.” And. If the self implosion wasn’t so heartbreaking, it wo...
It pays to have the dirt.The ugly business of depth and destruction.The deeper the well.The deeper the tell.A rolling stone may gather no moss, but the deeper the lie, the deeper the smell. The smell of a rat.🐀A chump. May be the only one telling the truth, the whole truth. Nothing but the truth. What a place to be. On the wrong side of the law AND a lie that has been going on and on and on and on and,For so, so long. Advantaging for some. Death defying even. The end of life is never pretty, organized or motivational. Somewhere along the lin...
Love.Ugh. A four letter word😏.Love demands. (pf) A lot. Of us. Ourselves.It presents itself in a myriad of ways and means and meanings.Demanding. Yep.Impossible at times. Most certainly. The expectation of one thing. And then getting another thing. Often leaves us scratching our heads.It requires a self-discipline beyond human measure. A compassion that knows no bounds. A responsibility to put another’s needs before our very own. The friendship of diving in the deep end with another human with work and courage all mixed together in a perseve...
The Alpha.The Omega.First.Last.Beginning.End.Alway and Always.”The end will restore what was broken in the beginning.” (psp)Sometimes we search and search for a heaven-like existence down here on planet earth. We care to look heavenly, eat heavenly, smoke heavenly etcetera. We obsess about winning. Beating the other guy. Frenemies and enemies waltz and dance. Lie and cheat. Skirt important issues about life double crossing each other and separating the minutiae of truth with a sharp knife.We walk along trying to make sense of the waltz’s and...
Perusing the possibilities. Whatcha lookin’ for?Tan. Brown. Black. Or Bone.Baked?A dish.Until puffed up.Quite a dish.When the air is void, out of the careful constructive early or morning creation.A collapse of all that is innocent.Is a mish mosh of straw-slurping delections,So “yummy”.Truth be told.The truth is rarely told. (rs)In the meantime?Slicing.Dicing.Hoping.Pounding.Beating.Swishing.Flipping.Will not make it all go away.Savory or Sweet.Makes little difference.Blow a bubble?Blow a Souffler?Blow it out your barracks bag.Even at broile...
The Confirmation of Conformation.Ouch.That CAN actually hurt.What?A pinch of the cheek?🥹Possibly.A pinch of salt.😲Tasty?Possibly.Ohhhhhhhhhhh.Yes. How in the world did I miss the obvious one?A pinch of forgiveness.😇Most assuredly.Hurts.As in OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Leaves a bad taste in someone’s mouth, too. Someones’s mouths. With the rush to judgment as swift and quick as a dash for the Listerine—( the non-alcoholic option, of course)Parsley anyone?……..The missing ingredient to wholeness?Many are called.Few are chosen.The gift of God, keeps on...
Invisible.Yet.Out in the open.Hidden.LikeA heart on a sleeve.Gone.But not forgotten.Bent.But not broken.Tested.Beyond measure.Fallen.Cannot get up.Tripped over.Didn’t see it coming.Skipped over.Time and again.Whispers.To a scream.Nightmare.Instead of a dream.Ridiculed.By those who knew better.Recipient.Time and again.Running around.In circles.Boxed in.Boxed out.Checked in.Checked out.IntimidationSilences again.Barriers to communication come at us with our own hands and the hands of one another. Barriers come from behind when the final goal i...
Tracking displacement is an exercise in the strength of the soul.Day to Day.Day by Day.We all have many and specific opportunities to live in service of one another.Day to Day.Day by Day.There are many factors, many influencers, many roadblocks that hinder our best efforts and energies in doing the right thing. In serving others with love and care.We don’t always know it when we see it.The opportunity.We struggle and fight for a place in this world which oftentimes seems so fleeting and cheap. We wish for more. We hope for more. In the end w...
“To err is human, to forgive is divine.” (ap)An Essay in Criticism, by Alexander Pope. As writing in Eighteenth Century Pope’s Essay, goes:Some tidbits of wisdom.“Bad criticism does greater harm than bad writing.””True Ease in Writing comes from Art, not Chance,/ As those move easiest who have learn’d to dance. (ap)💃🕺🏻“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” (ap)Indeed.Sliced, dices, blown to smithereens in some instances.Fast forward to the now that is this century.Information recycling takes on whole new meanings ofTruth or Dare.Force th...
Cumulus was getting bigger as time went on. A life of mishmash had caught up to the moment, albeit a life that presented itself as the pinnacle of organization. Pointed, organized thought. Ordered, set in stone, a life of rigid leisure.What lied beneath, no one knew the half of it.Where to turn during times of despair was an empty, fruitless attempt, like- biting into an apple and finding half of a worm.Yuck.🤢Couldn’t hold it in, hold it together long enough to get to the next episodic life transition, yet was wondering why things were build...
Nope.Not worth it.The chase becomes the race becomes the race and finally the chase.The tiny little salt shakers of life filled with the golden crystals of life. Of sale, exchange and trade. What ends up happening is theHook.One way or another it makes its way into our front doors.In the corners of the minds. And. Hearts of a few.Legally.Illegally.Sneakily.In small amounts.In larger amounts.Among trains, planes and automobiles.In four squared packages wrapped neatly in brown paper bagged wrapping paper-like the anticipation of the former bro...
Ouch!That hurts.We learn from experience the holding cell of purgatory is our own self-inflicted wounds.And.Unfortunately, at times, the feeling, the pain, it is inflicted by another.As young and innocent often children learn when seated too close to one another may discover. The fidgety wheel, the squeakiest wheel often gets the oil😳. The attention. In the moment, Makes little difference if the attention is good or bad, positive or negative.Until the fallout. Of what just happened. Why did it happened begins the journey of what ifs and whod...
It.Practice makes perfect.It.A lot comes down to.It.Who wants “it” more.Then.What they are willing to do to get “it”.Person specificity. Special needs. And all the in between options.Aren’t we all just so “special”.The landscape and playing fields are “leveling” at rapid paces. Where will you be? Where will you be standing? Up or down. Falling all over yourself🫵🏻?Or.Chasing after your dreams.Running them down even?Mowing them down….Left behind.Left field😏Sooooooooooooooo.How bad DO you want “it”.Fearful of missing out of it, out on “it” so m...
As for me and my house.We like to know where we are goin’.☺️And. In the end.Siri is not gonna get us “there.”The best things in life are not free.(Siri has been lookin’ over your shoulder for far too long) Keeping score, tallying up the debts and deficits.Far. Too. Long.Really?Yes.In the meantime.Someone. Somewhere. Somehow. Someway.Is picking up the slack.🙏🏻🤗Hurray.Now what.Embrace the beauty in the ugliness of the me that is we. Well. If a shower is not beyond the horizon….a fist pump will do!😏🤜🏻🤛🏻The beauty in a day, is to realize we are ...
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