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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2021
Today is the day!Say “Yes” to Yeshua!He is here!He is the center, the up, the down, the periphery.He not only takes the mess out of our lives, He is the Messiah—friend of all and enemy to none. He abhors the violence He endured for our sins when they publicly crucified Him in the court of public opinion and the disagreements of the courts behind closed doors.He is born. Again. Today is His birthday.🎂Who we exchange time and tethers and tokens with today is because of the blessings he bestowed upon us. Frankly, because at this time every year...
Fashionistas beware.What you may think we are talking about isn’t really what we are talking about. What you think you can see through is really just a mirage. What you think you know, isn’t what it seems. The veil of truth and justice.Huh?Life can be a beautiful puzzle. If we take a quiet moment and do not try to “cram” all that is necessary into all that is needed.Huh?Life is a puzzle. (sa). Life can be many pieces of a puzzle that cause us to wonder about the wonderful. To wander about trying to piece “it” all together.A puzzle.A puzzle i...
Your mission. Should you dare to accept:Squaring the circle.Hint and/or Hypothesis:Improbable?Probably impossible?Posssibly improbable?Improbably impossible.You get the drift.The problemo.The challenge: Constructing a square with the same area as a given circle by using only a finite number of steps with compass and straightedge.🤣Having fun yet?😉The solution transcends time and space. Space and time. There is rationality to the equation’s answer.And.The answer is usually staring at us right in the face.Smack dab in the face of the obvious.Sm...
There is a piece of advice we are told throughout our lives. At family gatherings, social functions and everyday life interactions.”Do not argue politics and religion.”Why?Among the laundry list of reasons not to, there lies the question of enforcement. Of differences of opinions. Heated debates and spirited discussions do not always gel well together. Burn out.Social JusticeLifeHealthThe cloak of protection.Mi Madre. Tu Madre.Tomatoe TomatoPotatoe PotatoA rose by any other name.In the long run, the cloak of protection is an unwavering belie...
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Numb.Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Bumb.Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Slum.Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Crumb.Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Dumb.Suffice it to say.One man’s trash is another’s man’s treasure.And,One side of the globe is hot, while the other side is cold.Night is day.Day is night.Comparisons are difficult.As are preferences.“Just as courage takes its stand BY others in challenging situations, so compassion takes its stand WITH others in their distress. (wjb)Our need. Is real. How we approach the remedy for angst is also real. Projection becomes a self ful...
Let your conscience be your guide.Solidarity.Solid.Clarity.Solid Clarity.Yes.Wonder and emotion converses with cooperation for salvation. (pf).Yes.I will help.Yes.I will carry.Yes.Even if and when at times when I am called to the center of history,it hurts.Called to carry the weight of the world.Yes.Destiny placed in good hands.(pf)Immaculate entirely with the service of God. No resistance. Nothing that opposes truth and charity.Yes.Immaculate gives us our salvation.It is a mystery. Yes. Life is a mystery. Yes.This life down here, our lives ...
I think most all of us are guilty.Of hearing what we want to hear.Instead of what we need to hear.Inconvenient truths run rampant in The Land of Ego-ria.We are so, so certain we are right. We can only hear that you are wrong.Rose-colored glasses a perfect fit? Or. Rose colored glasses be damned.No need to worry about smelling the rat when the mice have all been eaten. Alive.As humans, we stupidly resort to less than honorable tactics. We bob and weave, duck and hide, belly up to the bar, all in an effort to escape. Most of the time, from our...
Stay awakeBe alertThe answer is right in front of you.Hope.I know. I know. Some of us run for the hill at the mere thought. And. so did Clue-y. Clue-y was getting tired, exhausted even.He tells us for our hearts to not grow drowsy. Cluey does, run for the hills, in moments of despair and fear and worry. Instead of patiently awaiting for the Son of Man. Clue-y runs in circles, like a hamster on a hamster wheel and instead of productivity with a cheerful heart, he runs himself ragged. When justice is not handle properly in the first place it c...
Yum. Yum. Yum.The only telling sign?Crumbs.Cut to size. Cut to purpose. Altered states. Altered to make it suitable for a particular purpose. (cd) Anybody’s guess. Anybody’s guise. Humbled but not yet enough to admit wrongdoing. In purgatorial holding until one or another-breaks. Broken into pieces. Broken down to size. To fit other deserving or undeserving.Be cursed with, be cut to size.Starved.With the charm of a wink and a smile, a batted-eye blink and contributing confining bile. Encouraged by the encouragement of the enemy, the frenemy...
Handwritten honesty. Came one day. Years later. In the form of an admission of guilt, wrongdoing. A cry for help. Too late for some. Just in time for others. The words on the crisp, white paper meant that the past occurred. No denial of the facts could erase the possibility of a reconciliation.The only way out was to run. No one was listening anyway. Was the letter of words on a page of paper an attempt to get to the “bottom” of it. Or an attempt to right the wrongs when no one else would listed to the hurt. To the silence of what was. And. ...
Rules are made to be broken.Injustice breaks the rules.Courage rebuilds them.Inclusively. Of course. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, eh? Over reach has its ways of embedment, triangulation, enmeshment. What is good for thee is not for me. Maybe. Maybe not.Right? I thought so.Or. I thought not.Do the crime. Do the time and other non denominational ways of proving a point. Proving the proof is in the pudding. The gloppy and sloppy pudding. Drippy, sippy and yum, yum, yum.Sometimes the truth is not found easily.Sometimes it i...
Hint.No two are alike.Word on the street is they understand approximately 200 words.Their mere presence helps to improve relationships with the people in your life.When it is time for them to go home, it is one of the worst times of life.Fill in the blank_______________If we are lucky enough to hang out with them, life moves at a steadier pace of give and take. The day is just, better. No. Not every person loves them and yet they would lay down their life for that person, too. The attachment factor is deep. Soul and growth guiding. Growing p...
What approach will do?Differences make us who we are.Similarities make us feel familiar.Even twins are not the same.Banging one’s head on the door. Again. And Again.Hurts.When love is tough, love is tough. When tough love doesn’t get the job done, make “it” work, at all costs, what is left to do?Approaching a person, place or thing with love in mind can hold one hostage to the whims of a person who does or does not understand. Or care. Or prefer someone or something else. Lack of love. Left feeling in place or out of place. Who knows? Who en...
I just didn’t get it.In the moment. It took time to swirl around the open space between my ears👂🏻😊🦻🏻.When we see what we want to see, or cannot stop seeing what is right in front of us, life becomes mumbo jumbo.Add in the sour ingredients: The addition of memories and tragedies and evasive aversions. The conundrum of life takes on a life of its own. New conditions replace the old conditions in ways and of service for some and dis-service to others.Gain of function and the changing of the guard.Dear God. Haven’t we been in this place before? ...
Well.Today is the day.Or.Is it the day?A day of decision.Or.A day of derision.And.Will we ever really know. What happened.From west coast to east coast, north and south. The collective voices were silenced and given humdingers of words, these past few months. That is for certain.Who you believe is what this day is really and deeply all about.After all. We are who we are.In the bigger picture ask not what they can do for you. Ask what you can do for Him.Take it from there.The money has already been spent.Will you spend your precious time on t...
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