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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2019
Submitted to Contest #51
Sia. I could see her eyes flashing and I remembered the time I broke my nose because I called her a vampire. I didn’t want that to happen in front of Saberdeen, or worse, to her because of me. “Yes. I would.” We left at lunchtime. I hadn’t been to a lot of weddings but I was almost certain they didn’t end with the bride and groom covered in cake and crying on the ground. And I knew that ...
The next day, I came back and there was the girl sitting by me again and she looked at me and told me her name was Saberdeen Darsablio. And I said, “Okay.” Because if I said anything else that might get me attached and Chaos told me not to. No one told Saberdeen that, though. She kept talking and talking and talking to me all the week long and on Friday she asked if I could come with her to a party. It will be fun, she said, come and see, she said. And I said, no I won’t go with you. That was in my rules. No clubs, no parties, no nothi...
Aon. Chaos is a friend of mine. I came to know the true meaning of chaos being my friend when I was nine and three months. We were having a birthday party for one of my fat siblings, and I had been put in charge of carrying out the cake. The cake was a colossal waste of money, in my opinion, and it was ugly too. It was towering and massive and smelled like dog food. Also it was pink. Well. I decided to improve that cake. My idea of improvement was simply to douse the entire thing with chocolate s...
Submitted to Contest #50
A rock hit the window. Callee rose from her bed and peered out between the curtains, but there was no one there. She sat back down and frowned. Who would dare to come to her house? It was almost twelve AM. Not to mention the fact that the whole world was undergoing a pandemic. Callee yawned and buried her face in her pillow. What an awful week. What a very bad, good for nothing, lousy, terrible... Another rock hit the window and she jumped up. She pulled the blinds apart and peered again into the dark night. She could turn the porch light on...
They arrived at the campsite around two in the afternoon the next day and set up their tents together, one beside the other. It was a nice view, Gervassi thought, and he was always up for a conversation. He thought he had a type, see. The short and soft blonde girls with crystal clear blue eyes and laughing, twinking voices that made him melt faster than butter in July, those were the ones he thought he’d end up with, but now… now there was Afra and any kind of notion was shattered. He had this pull to her. It was something over...
The first spaceship to the planet Bodacious was led by the brave and fearless Captain Miracle Rochester of Hot Springs, Arkansas. It left this morning at approximately five eighteen AM. Captain Rochester left behind her fiance of nine years, Kayden Jewell. They are to be married when she returns from the mission. She also leaves behind her parents and siblings. They will miss her, but they know what a great service she is doing for the space force. Here we have Captain Rochester’s last words before boarding the ship to the planet Bodacious.&...
Submitted to Contest #49
Lord Sparkle was eating his fourth bowl of glitter and milk when he realized he was choking. He coughed and coughed and choked some more before the stars in his eyes went dark and he fell to the cold kitchen floor."You were late again, Giovanna!" It was now nighttime and Lord Sparkle was glaring at his wife from where he lay almost asleep in his coffin. "You should be there when I die. I died again and you weren't there. You never are!"Giovanna twirled a long piece of hair around her pinky and yawned. "I'm sorry, Sparkie, there was traffic t...
“Would you rather live in a box or sleep on a bed with no mattress?” Afra asked the stranger next to her on the bus, being careful not to lean too close to them. She had just eaten her lunch and the onions were pretty strong, so she didn’t want to knock the poor kid out. He didn’t answer her and she crossed her arms in front of her chest. What a prick. He was probably up in the clouds somewhere, bugging out on ham and cheese sandwiches like some kind of moron. Who even ate ham and cheese sandwiches anymore, honestly? Not Afra. She uncrossed ...
Submitted to Contest #48
Diana was late to the Christmas party. She had been super busy with work lately, and then had to stop at the store for cookies before heading over to Bruce´s house. The party he was throwing had been planning a long time and Diana had heard rumors that it was going to be the best party since, well, forever. Diana fixed her hair and got ready to leave. Her phone rang and she looked down. Bruce was calling her. Whatever he had to say could wait. She put the phone in her bag and left. Bruce was nervous about the party. He had always liked ...
There was a certain way that the moonlight hit on the box of french fries that made Elinor want to eat every single one of them, but they were made of cardboard, and they were also part of a movie prop table. Therefore Elinor would be frowned upon if she ate even one of them. So she sat back down in her chair and looked up at the skylight in the roof, hence the moonlight. It was night time, obviously, and she was the only one backstage. Everyone else was still getting dressed. There was still some time to take a risk. “I should just e...
“Look at me and tell me how you feel.” “Right now? How I feel right now?” “Yeah. Tell me.” “I feel like a million different things and also like I’m whole for the first time since I knew left from right. I feel like you’re the sun and I’m the moon and everything else is the stars in the sky that hold us together. I feel like I love you more than the ocean loves the shore. I feel like time has stopped for me and I could stay in this moment forever. Just you, just me. Just us, and that’s all we need to be.And. I feel like ...
Submitted to Contest #47
I don’t want you to say goodbye, and yet here I am again, sitting crossed legged on the floor of this hospital, waiting to see if this waking moment will be the last of this life, on this earth. Dramatic? I think not. You’re dying, obviously, and even in death you can’t seem to realize that I’m the one that’s always been here, and not Satchel the class A jerk who didn’t bother to come to your deathbed because he’s at a party. With other girls. What kind of guy goes to a party without his girlfriend when she’s dying? Scratch that, why would h...
My footsteps slow as I reach the end of the hall. I know you’re there. I can hear you breathing every so softly. I stop in front of your door and reach for the knob, but I don’t pull it open quite yet. I’m waiting for you to sense me and say, “Come in, I’ve been waiting for you.” I’m waiting to hear your wonderful voice, clear as a bell and also wavering in and out of existence. When I’ve waited for over five minutes and still haven’t heard you say anything, I push the door open and walk in. You’re sleeping. I sit down by the bed and watch y...
Why Fighting Cockroaches is Like the Coronavirus Sometimes in life, the greatest challenges are the little ones. Sometimes challenges look like moving overseas to a new country, starting public school, starting public high school after having been homeschooled for five years, or having your whole life- and everyone else's- take a strange and unforeseen twist called the coronavirus. But sometimes the greatest challenges are smaller things wrapped up in the bigger ones. Instead of the challenge being moving overseas, the challenge is lear...
Kincade looks at your homework from across the desk, trying to see what you have scribbled down this time; what manic poetry psycho babble you managed to catch on paper today. You are wearing your deeply velvet blazer and you smell like a bonfire. There are still ashes on your pants and your lips are tinted with cold night air. Here you are sitting across the table from each other and looking over the English homework. Except you’re not really looking at the homework. You are still writing your poem. You set your hand to the pen again and ke...
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