Joshua Alderson
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020
Submitted to Contest #272
Living in a Volkswagen that’s been painted the same color as the sky, Joshua Alderson likes to listen to sad songs. He says they keep him from wasting his depression. Prone to fits of melancholy, he says things like; I’m a forgotten wreck at the bottom of the ocean or my soul is a ship doomed to forever crash into the same iceberg over and over again. He likes the cold. He likes living near large bodies of water, especially when they freeze over. He lives near the Great Lakes, but finds agony in the absence of mountains. He wears denim like a shell of protection. He says it gives people the impression that he’s someone he’s not. He likes his secrets. He likes the anonymity of not being known. He says things like; life’s a vapor or like smoke twisting and rising into nothing when the sage burns out.