Joseph Lancaster
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2019
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2019
Submitted to Contest #129
Submitted to Contest #128
Submitted to Contest #95
Submitted to Contest #94
Submitted to Contest #93
Submitted to Contest #92
Submitted to Contest #67
Submitted to Contest #66
Submitted to Contest #39
Chugging through 2022 like a train without rails. I'm stuffing the engine with coal and crossing my fingers. Wish me luck. 1/14/22 - "Bleeding Seconds" - it took far too long. It's a bit rough around the edges on account of not having enough words, and I realized too late that the dialogue nearing the end is painfully lopsided. the original plan had at least two more scenes where some more of the setup would come into play, but it just wasn't practical. Gonna leave it and move on. It is what it is. 1/21/22 - "The Trouble with being too much alive" - This one was hard to write in a bang-your-head-on-the-table sort of way. Every time I thought it was good to go, I'd find something else that didn't work. Rough time. Methinks tho, the final result is pretty alright. Thinking of moving some things to Royal Road. Under J S Lancaster