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Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2020
Submitted to Contest #49
To both men in the waiting room, it felt like they had been waiting for an eternity. Both sat in chairs that were made of wicker that hugged their bodies in all the wrong ways. Each time either moved to ease their discomfort, deafening creaks could be heard and rendered both men to tolerate the pain to avoid social discomfort. The room was dreary. With pale walls and bland furniture, it made the waiting seem like torture to the men. One of the men wore a crisp, black suit. He had a gel slicked comb over and an angry disposition. His cold eye...
Submitted to Contest #46
Libby clutched her leather bound journal to her. Her palms perspired on the cover and she occasionally had to wipe her hands on her jeans to no avail. She was quivering just in front of two double doors that seemed to tower over her, threatening her wordlessly against her entering. Libby's round, owl-like eyeglasses fogged up and she removed them with shaky fingers to read the sign on the door. "Writer's Circle Meetings Here! Newcomers Always Welcome!" Libby found the sign, as her heart was beating in terror inside her, to be a bit contr...
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