Jonathan Quidangen
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2023
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2023
Submitted to Contest #214
Aspiring Author seeking to write a Christian YA Novel. I have loved to read since I was a child, and I look up to many authors. I find something interesting in each genre, but my favourite stories are of heroes overcoming a trial. I see my own life as a hero's journey. I was in 6th grade when my English teacher pushed me to write stories. As an Asian American, I was met with staunch opposition from my family. I have felt like Sisyphus for the past 15+ years. I know I will overcome and conquer this mountain. In the meantime, I have been writing stories and ideas in my journals. I am married with two kids, and work as a Fiscal Specialist for the Department of Behavioral Health. Everyone has a story to tell, and the opportunities to make it a happy ending.