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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2024
Submitted to Contest #280
Houston, I’m experiencing a major anomaly with the oxygen system requesting guidance.I’m experiencing a major anomaly with the oxygen system… Dammit Dale, this transmission won’t reach you guys for twenty minutes… Houston, requesting guidance. I’m experiencing a major anomaly… Yeah, you could call it major—a major screwup. I’d call missing the Kirkwood a major screwup, wouldn’t you, NASA? I don’t mean to be critical but which one of you morons decided to send me through the asteroid belt without an umbrella? Hey Daniel! G...
Submitted to Contest #278
Email to fishgineer@jmail.com:Hey brother,Sad news. Dad is gone. Last night at about 11. I wish I could say he went peacefully in his sleep and just faded away, but it wasn’t like that. It was horrible. You’d be glad you weren’t there. I’m not even sure I should talk about his last minutes on the Earth. Maybe I should just let you remember him as he was, even though we both know he wasn’t all that great. Let me know. Margo and I will be heading to mom’s on Thursday. You still in Alaska? Don’t forget about the halibut!! It’d beat the shi...
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