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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2019
Submitted to Contest #193
A Deep Darkish Secret Burt was more drunk than any of his best bar buddies had ever seen him before. But he appeared to be a happy drunk. And they were more than a little startled when he said that he was celebrating on this night something he had committed (the actual word that he had used) that was rather nasty, something decidedly awful, something he had done just the previous night. He was generally fairly close-mouthed, not usually sharing the thoughts th...
Looking Back I had long felt during my working years that when I finally retired I would write the ‘Great Canadian Novel.’ But alas that seems now not to be a realistic possibility. I like to put the blame on computers for that failing. They are bullies, with their constant ‘upgrades’ which I like to call downgrades, taking me down from what I was becoming somewhat comfortable with to a Brave New World of confusion and despair. That bullying hits me hard, e...
Submitted to Contest #191
Of Hasty Conclusions and The Gift of Flowers I was in such a bad mood on that day, for a number of reasons, some serious, some just plain foolish. I should have kept my sarcasm and nasty attitude to myself, where they belonged. But no, I had to let all the nastiness spill out. I even shocked myself somewhat, with what I said, which is saying something. If I had heard someone else saying the words that burst out of my mouth, I would most probably have though...
Submitted to Contest #190
Vengeance Kicking It is time for me to wreak vengeance. I thought that was something that I would never say or think. But it is something I simply have to do, given the situation. I just can’t let things be. I have to strike back, not just accept that I am a helpless victim. Life had been going so smoothly for me. The job paid well, and it wasn’t boring, as I like calculating numbers. Then this Wednesday, the boss called me up to his lofty, top fl...
Speak Now “Speak now…” “I will.” The old preacher stopped speaking, not following his first two words with the finishing ancient but familiar line that ended with “or forever hold your peace…” The young man who had shouted out his two words from the back had silenced him. Not many ministers say these words these days, but the preacher was very old fashioned and was well-known for including these potentiall...
Submitted to Contest #189
Keep the Story Coming I was sitting on my couch, wondering whether I should give her a call when I hear a sudden loud noise. There was a bang, bang, bang on the door of my apartment. I knew that it would be Dwayne. His apartment is right beside mine, and when he gets angry he often knocks on my door forcing me to listen to the story of why he is angry. I had a dark thought about what he might be angry about, but I still went and opened the door to let him i...
Submitted to Contest #188
“But I don’t like giving speeches. I get so worried that I will say the wrong things, and people will get offended. At the very best, I would bore them silly, put them asleep.”“I know, Charlie, but this event is honouring your work at the company, and a speech is expected. Otherwise you will be insulting the people that came to the event. And you know how sensitive the boss, the great Mr. Brooks and his family are. They would use the lack of speech as being directed at them personally, and insult you behind your back...
Submitted to Contest #187
I’m Not Superstitious But… I’m not superstitious but this situation had me thinking right from the very beginning in such a way. There was a black cat, and it did cross my path. I hope that people don’t call such superstitious stories ‘old wives’ tales’ anymore, especially as ‘on-line conspiracy theories’ would be much a more accurate a term. I might not have seen it if it weren’t for the sound ...
Submitted to Contest #186
I Just Cannot Believe It I just cannot believe it. It is a relatively warm and sunny day for February, so I decided to take an extended walk around the small town in which I have lived all my life. It had been a long time since I had done that, but I had been diagnosed with diabetes type 2. My doctor, as well as Doctor Google both have recommended that I engage in daily exercise. So, after some thought and initially a lot of excuse making and delaying, I de...
Submitted to Contest #185
It’s Mine “It’s mine and you can’t have it. You shouldn’t even get to see it.” The old man’s sudden burst of fury came as a big surprise to the boy, Jack, his grandson. His grandfather had never yelled at him before. Young Jack did not know what to do as he saw his grandfather, also called Jack, clutch the article close to his chest. So he just walked out of the old man’s room, in tears, but not wanting to show that to Grandfather Jack. &nb...
Submitted to Contest #184
At the opposite ends of town, two people are contemplating the same matter of choice, yes or no. Ricky is Thinking It was much more difficult to do in the past. Almost all of the ways of committing the act were clumsy, and sometimes didn’t even work, a horrible half measure for the person involved. Now it is so much easier – just press a button and the job is all done – clean, efficient, no fuss, no muss, n...
Submitted to Contest #183
From the time the two of them were old enough to pick out their own clothes to wear on a given day, and didn’t have to wear the clothes their mother laid out for them, they would make a point of dressing as differently as they could. That even included wearing different colour socks and underwear. Both Rob and Roy did not want people to think of them as twins, but as the two distinct individuals they truly believed they were, even though they were identical twins that so...
Submitted to Contest #182
“Driver, follow that car” The taxi driver could not believe what he had just been told to do. He was just about to ask the man in the back seat whether he thought he was in some old movie, when the man who had just burst into the backseat, flashes his police id. The taxi driver, who had himself seen such old movies, was kind of addicted to them actualy, squealed his tires as he took off in pursuit of ...
A young couple and their five-year old daughter are standing at the front of a house that that had just become their new home. It was a beautiful place with a big back yard graced by willows and maples. All three of them are smiling at each other, pleased by what they are looking at. Martha, the wife and mother then speaks:“I can’t believe the low price of this place. They were practically giving i...
Submitted to Contest #181
Writing in the Woods. I have always been a city boy, lived in the Big Town all my life. I really like being where everything and everyone is within close reach. The way I have long I seen the world is that if anything interesting is going on, it’s happening in the city – good jobs, good food, big league sports, and multiple movies and musical acts from which to choose. So why am I heading for a...
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