my latest story "Denoument”
is actually the last in acontinuation of multiple stories: so it is the end..
if you want to read them in order you can:: they go like this: "Flowry", "Special Ingredient", "Snow Day", "What kind of pet", "Razors' Edge", "Tobias" , “Gerald”, and then “Tenkha”, “Gerald 2.0”, "Cornish Heath ", "About Pecht", Vittorio", “Gewehr 98”, "Fitz", “The Office”, "Meeting",
Window", "Skiff", “Door”, “Melee”, "Denouement", Nellie", “Nadelik Surprise, and “In the Library”- so there are 25 chapters in all.
I'm a middle aged Army Veteran and a life long Nerd. I have been an avid reader since childhood. I can remember reading "Fire-Hunter"
by Jim Kjelgaard outside at recess in the 6th grade. Familiar with a wide spectrum of Nerdiness : Comics, Sci-Fi, Movies, RPG's -not just on the computer but old school, table top, dice and lead figure Dungeons and Dragons.
i really enjoy having people read my offerings and offering their thoughts/advice/reviews.