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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2021
It is very possible that it has occurred to all of us. When we witness someone acting or reacting in any way, we ask ourselves, "Why are they doing that?" or "I have never done that!" Or perhaps you have had the experience of seeing the same incident as someone else and realised that your impressions of what happened were vastly different. If you had ever responded to these circumstances by seeking to stand outside of yourself for a while and analyse the issue from another person's perspective, you would have engaged in perspective-taking. ...
Submitted to Contest #83
Far at the lower part of the sea, lies an extraordinarily excellent underwater realm. Complete with a pearl-designed manor and a swank ruler of ocean water, Lord Seidon. Lord Seidon is a strong ruler of the oceans, he has numerous children. They love the underwater world wherein they live. Lord Seidon and his brothers made the humans, whose love kept up the god's interminability. Over the long haul, nonetheless, the humans started to revile and resist their creators. The half god Arthar was born to the mortal queen Morgane who was conceive...
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