Jess Davis

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2024

Author bio

My name is Jess and I'm from the Great White North of Canada. I have been a writer since the moment my very first pencil was placed into my hand. To say writing is my passion would be a vast understatement. I respect and enjoy all genres, and nothing is off the table as far as my writing is concerned. I enjoy everything from Fantasy to Horror to Poetry to Non-fiction and everything in between. I currently have two novels self-published on Amazon: "Rain, Rain, Go Away" and "Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down" by Jessica Davis. I've just come across Reedsy and recently entered my very first story (Yay!!). Here's hoping for more to come in the future as I progress along this exciting journey! I appreciate any and all support from this great community! Thank you for welcoming me into this wonderful environment. I wish all the best to everyone here on their creative endeavors and adventures! Write on, my friends! And never, ever stop.