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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2020
Submitted to Contest #185
The Spirit of Things Mercury Retrograde ends in 32 minutes. I can celebrate. I am setting goals. According to some psychics, 2023 is the year to rid yourself, your home, of negativity brought about by too much stuff.  I don’t need a psychic to tell me my energy is severely compromised by a sense of overcrowding. The need to protect the environment, “Re-use, recycle, upcycle” is not helping. I try to find a use for everything, rather than add to the waste collection. To further add to my di...
Submitted to Contest #181
Let’s Go For A Walk I believe walking clears the brain and lets us hear the Universe, to listen to nature. When I walk mindfully, I can clear the clamoring voices in my head and listen to the world around me. On my daily walk, when I am able to quiet my scripting mind, I am present to the silent communication of nature. And, being a retired teacher of differently-abled students,many of whom were non-verbal, I recognize the very real communication that exists without words. I don’t conjure the words, they are intuitive, perceptive. Walking...
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