Janet Morris
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2020
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2020
Submitted to Contest #112
Reedsyprompts is my first experience with letting others read my writing (other than my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Darren, a gazillion years ago.) It's time I get over my fear. Every week when the email arrived announcing the new contests I would read the prompts and get too nervous imagining myself putting a story "out there." But, recently when the email came one of the prompts created a new story in my mind. I knew this was the opening I had been waiting for. Like in double dutch jump rope... you have to wait for your chance to jump in. I jumped in with "The Strange Visit at Lake Helena." It isn't great, but I accomplished a lot by just entering. After the first story, I was inspired to add on to it with the next prompt and I hope to continue the story for a few more weeks. I really like the littlest goat and I want to know what happens to her.