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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2020
Ali: The Brave Young Companion “What are you doing, cousin?” Ali’s voice broke the quiet as he peered into the room. He had come upon a sight he’d never seen before: the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his wife, Khadijah, bowing and prostrating in unison, their movements graceful and deliberate. “This is prayer,” the Prophet (ﷺ) said gently, rising from his position. “It is how we worship Allah, the One True God.” Ali furrowed his brow, his young mind working to grasp the significance of what he’d just witnessed. “Should I tell my father, Abu Talib...
Submitted to Contest #37
Wedding pictures… She had always loved to look at wedding pictures.Time and again, she would hurriedly finish all those household chores and sit dreaming over her mistress’s pictures. She had been with this family for so long now. She loved them all: they were so kind to her, unlike everyone else. She never really understood why it was that every time she opened the door, walked out into the street, did the shopping, smiled at anyone, they would turn away with that awful look on their faces. Each time she returned so puzzled, asking her you...
doctor, writer, photographer, traveler, nature lover, mountains are my thing! love children too
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